Source code for civis.response

from __future__ import absolute_import
import requests

from civis._utils import camel_to_snake

class CivisClientError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, message, response):
        self.status_code = response.status_code
        self.error_message = message

    def __str__(self):
        return self.error_message

def _response_to_json(response):
    """Parse a raw response to a dict.

    response: requests.Response
        A raw response returned by an API call.

    dict | None
        The data in the response body or None if the response has no

        If the data in the raw response cannot be parsed.
    if response.status_code in [204, 205]:
        return None
            return response.json()
        except ValueError:
            raise CivisClientError("Unable to parse JSON from response",

def convert_response_data_type(response, headers=None, return_type='snake'):
    """Convert a raw response into a given type.

    response : list, dict, or `requests.Response`
        Convert this object into a different response object.
    headers : dict, optional
        If given and the return type supports it, attach these headers to the
        converted response. If `response` is a `requests.Response`, the headers
        will be inferred from it.
    return_type : string, {'snake', 'raw', 'pandas'}
        Convert the response to this type. See documentation on
        `civis.APIClient` for details of the return types.

    list, dict, `civis.response.Response`, `requests.Response`,
    `pandas.DataFrame`, or `pandas.Series`
        Depending on the value of `return_type`.
    assert return_type in ['snake', 'raw', 'pandas'], 'Invalid return type'

    if return_type == 'raw':
        return response

    if isinstance(response, requests.Response):
        headers = response.headers
        data = _response_to_json(response)
        data = response

    if return_type == 'pandas':
        import pandas as pd
        if isinstance(data, list):
            return pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)

        # there may be nested objects or arrays in this series
        return pd.Series(data)

    elif return_type == 'snake':
        if isinstance(data, list):
            return [Response(d, headers=headers) for d in data]

        return Response(data, headers=headers)

[docs]class Response(dict): """Custom Civis response object. Attributes ---------- json_data : dict | None This is `json_data` as it is originally returned to the user without the key names being changed. See Notes. None is used if the original response returned a 204 No Content response. headers : dict This is the header for the API call without changing the key names. calls_remaining : int Number of API calls remaining before rate limit is reached. rate_limit : int Total number of calls per API rate limit period. Notes ----- The main features of this class are that it maps camelCase to snake_case at the top level of the json object and attaches keys as attributes. Nested object keys are not changed. """ def __init__(self, json_data, snake_case=True, headers=None): self.json_data = json_data if headers is not None: # this circumvents recursive calls self.headers = headers self.calls_remaining = headers.get('X-RateLimit-Remaining') self.rate_limit = headers.get('X-RateLimit-Limit') if json_data is not None: for key, v in json_data.items(): if snake_case: key = camel_to_snake(key) if isinstance(v, dict): val = Response(v, False) elif isinstance(v, list): val = [Response(o) if isinstance(o, dict) else o for o in v] else: val = v self.update({key: val}) self.__dict__.update({key: val})
[docs]class PaginatedResponse: """A response object that supports iteration. Parameters ---------- path : str Make GET requests to this path. initial_params : dict Query params that should be passed along with each request. Note that if `initial_params` contains the keys `page_num` or `limit`, they will be ignored. The given dict is not modified. endpoint : `civis.base.Endpoint` An endpoint used to make API requests. Notes ----- This response is returned automatically by endpoints which support pagination when the `iterator` kwarg is specified. Examples -------- >>> client = civis.APIClient() >>> queries = client.queries.list(iterator=True) >>> for query in queries: ... print(query['id']) """ def __init__(self, path, initial_params, endpoint): self._path = path self._params = initial_params.copy() self._endpoint = endpoint # We are paginating through all items, so start at the beginning and # let the API determine the limit. self._params['page_num'] = 1 self._params.pop('limit', None) def __iter__(self): while True: response = self._endpoint._make_request('GET', self._path, self._params) page_data = _response_to_json(response) if len(page_data) == 0: return for data in page_data: converted_data = convert_response_data_type( data, headers=response.headers, return_type=self._endpoint._return_type ) yield converted_data self._params['page_num'] += 1