User Guide

Getting Started

After installing the Civis API Python client and setting up your API key, you can now import the package civis:

>>> import civis

There are two entrypoints for working with the Civis API. The first is the civis namespace, which contains tools for typical workflows in a user friendly manner. For example, you may want to perform some transformation on your data in Python that might be tricky to code in SQL. This code downloads data from Civis, calculates the correlation between all the columns and then uploads the data back into Civis:

>>> df ="my_schema.my_table",
...                          database="database",
...                          use_pandas=True)
>>> correlation_matrix = df.corr()
>>> correlation_matrix["corr_var"] = correlation_matrix.index
>>> fut =,
...                                   database="database",
...                                   table="my_schema.my_correlations")
>>> fut.result()

Civis Futures

In the code above, dataframe_to_civis() returns a special CivisFuture object. Making a request to the Civis API usually results in a long running job. To account for this, various functions in the civis namespace return a CivisFuture to allow you to process multiple long running jobs simultaneously. For instance, you may want to start many jobs in parallel and wait for them all to finish rather than wait for each job to finish before starting the next one.

The CivisFuture follows the concurrent.futures.Future API fairly closely. For example, calling result() on fut above forces the program to wait for the job started with dataframe_to_civis() to finish and returns the result or raises an exception.

You can create CivisFuture objects for many tasks (e.g., scripts, imports). Here, we will create a container script that does the simple task of printing the text “HELLO WORLD”, execute it, and then wait for it to finish.

>>> import civis
>>> import concurrent.futures
>>> client = civis.APIClient()
>>> # Create a container script. This is just a simple example. Futures can
>>> # also be used with SQL queries, imports, etc.
>>> response_script = client.scripts.post_containers(
...     required_resources={'cpu': 512, 'memory': 1024},
...     docker_command="echo 'HELLO WORLD'",
...     docker_image_name='civisanalytics/datascience-python')
>>> script_id =
>>> # Create a run in order to execute the script.
>>> response_run = client.scripts.post_containers_runs(script_id)
>>> run_id =
>>> # Create a future to represent the result of the run.
>>> future = civis.futures.CivisFuture(
...     client.scripts.get_containers_runs, (script_id, run_id))
>>> # You can then have your code block and wait for the future to be done as
>>> # follows. Note that this does not raise an exception on error like
>>> # `future.result()`.
>>> concurrent.futures.wait([future])
>>> # Alternatively, you can call `future.result()` to block and get the
>>> # status of the run once it finishes. If the run is already completed, the
>>> # result will be returned immediately.
>>> result = future.result()
>>> # Alternatively, one can start a run and get a future for it with the helper
>>> # function `civis.utils.run_job`:
>>> future2 = civis.utils.run_job(script_id)
>>> future2.result()

Working Directly with the Client

Although many common workflows are included in the Civis API Python client, projects often require direct calls to the Civis API. For convenience, the Civis API Python client implements an APIClient object to make these API calls with Python syntax rather than a manually crafted HTTP request. To make a call, first instantiate an APIClient object:

>>> client = civis.APIClient()


Creating an instance of APIClient makes an HTTP request to determine the functions to attach to the object. You must have an API key and internet connection to create an APIClient object.

With the client object instantiated, you can now make API requests like listing your user information:

>>> client.users.list_me()
Response({'email': '',
          'feature_flags': Response({'left_nav_basic': True,
                                     'results': True,
                                     'scripts_notify': True,
                                     'table_person_matching': True}),
          'id': 1,
          'initials': 'UN',
          'name': 'User Name',
          'username': 'uname'})

For a complete list of the API endpoints and their methods, check out API Resources.

Suppose we did not have the namespace. This is how we might export a CSV file from Civis. As you will see, this can be quite involved and the civis namespace entrypoint should be preferred whenever possible.

First, we get the ID for our database then we get the default credential for the current user.

>>> db_id = client.get_database_id('cluster-name')
>>> cred_id = client.default_database_credential_id

In order to export a table, we need to write some SQL that will generate the data to export. Then we create the export job and run it.

>>> generate_table = "select * from schema.tablename"
>>> export_job = client.scripts.post_sql(name="our export job",
>>> export_future = civis.utils.run_job(

export_future is a CivisFuture object (see Civis Futures above). Calling .result() on export_future blocks the program until the SQL run has completed.

>>> export_result = export_future.result()

Now, we can get the URL of the exported csv. In the future, a script may export multiple jobs, so the output of this is a list.

The path returned will have a gzipped csv file, which we could load, for example, with pandas.

>>> url = export_result.output[0].path


Civis Platform job runs come with logs. The logs are formatted differently depending on whether they are streamed to standard output (stdout) or standard error (stderr). Logs at stdout show up in black on the Civis Platform graphical user interface, whereas logs at stderr show up in red. Because it’s a common use case to have INFO-level (or below) logging in black (for general information and debugging) and WARNING-level (or above) logging in red (for highlighting potential issues), civis.civis_logger() is available as a drop-in replacement for logging.getLogger() with this behavior built in.

from civis import civis_logger

_LOG = civis_logger()  # instead of _LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def some_function():
    ..."info level logging")  # appears in black on Civis Platform
    _LOG.warning("something to look into potentially")  # appears in red

civis_logger([name, level, fmt])

Return a logger for Civis Platform jobs.

API Response Types and Functions

Many API requests via an APIClient instance return an iterable of civis.Response objects. For endpoints that support pagination when the iterator kwarg is specified, a civis.PaginatedResponse object is returned. To facilitate working with civis.Response objects, the helper functions civis.find() and civis.find_one() are defined. For more notes, see Responses.


Civis Platform workflows are a powerful feature to build and manage data pipelines that consist of multiple Civis Platform scripts of different job types.

A workflow is defined by the YAML-based Mistral workflow language. To validate your workflow definition (e.g., in your project’s test suite run on continuous integration), use civis.workflows.validate_workflow_yaml():

from civis.workflows import validate_workflow_yaml, WorkflowValidationError

# If your workflow definition is valid, nothing happens.
with open("path/to/your/workflow.yaml") as f:

# If your workflow definition is invalid, a WorkflowValidationError is raised.
    with open("path/to/your/workflow.yaml") as f:
except WorkflowValidationError:
    print("workflow yaml isn't formatted correctly -- fix it!")

For examples of Civis Platform workflow YAML definitions, please check out the workflows-public repository.

validate_workflow_yaml(wf_def, /)

Validate a YAML-formatted workflow definition.

Testing Your Code

Once you’ve written code that uses APIClient, you’ve got to test it. Because you want a testing environment not dependent upon an API key or an internet connection, you will employ the mocking technique.

To this end, civis.tests.create_client_mock() will create a mock object that looks like an API client object. This mock object is configured to error if any method calls have non-existent / misspelled parameters.

Suppose this function is in your code:

def get_timestamps_from_table(..., client=None, ...):
    client = client if client else civis.APIClient()
    df =
    return ...

Whatever function you define, it needs to have a client argument. If it’s not provided, an actual API client object will be created. Throughout this function, the client object has to be used to interact with the Civis API. It is through this argument that you as a developer can pass in a custom API client object.

When you’re testing your functions in your test suite, you might have code like this:

from civis.tests import create_client_mock

from <your-package> import get_timestamps_from_table

def test_get_timestamps_from_table():
    mock_client = create_client_mock()

    mock_client.scripts.get_sql_runs.return_value = {
        "output": [
                "path": ...
                "file_id": ...
    actual_timestamps = get_timestamps_from_table(

    expected_timestamps = ...

    # Run assertion tests as necessary
    assert actual_timestamps == expected_timestamps

Once you’ve created a mock client object, you have to define its behavior based on expected API calls from the function you’ve defined. Also, be sure to use mock_client so you don’t actually have to process an actual API call in your test.


Create an APIClient mock from a cache of the API spec