Source code for

import collections
import json
import concurrent.futures
import csv
from os import path
import io
import logging
import os
import shutil
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import warnings
import zlib

from typing import Dict, List

import gzip
import zipfile

from civis import APIClient
from civis._utils import maybe_get_random_name
from civis.base import EmptyResultError, CivisImportError
from civis.futures import CivisFuture
from import civis_to_file, file_to_civis
from civis.utils import run_job
from civis._deprecation import deprecate_param

import requests

    import pandas as pd
    NO_PANDAS = False
except ImportError:
    NO_PANDAS = True

CHUNK_SIZE = 32 * 1024
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['read_civis', 'read_civis_sql', 'civis_to_csv',
           'civis_to_multifile_csv', 'dataframe_to_civis', 'csv_to_civis',
           'civis_file_to_table', 'split_schema_tablename',

    ',': 'comma',
    '\t': 'tab',
    '|': 'pipe',

_File = collections.namedtuple("_File", "id name detected_info")

[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key') def read_civis(table, database, columns=None, use_pandas=False, encoding=None, job_name=None, api_key=None, client=None, credential_id=None, polling_interval=None, archive=False, hidden=True, **kwargs): """Read data from a Civis table. Parameters ---------- table : str Name of table, including schema, in the database. E.g. ``'my_schema.my_table'``. Schemas or tablenames with periods must be double quoted, e.g. ``'my_schema."my.table"'``. database : str or int Read data from this database. Can be the database name or ID. columns : list, optional A list of column names. Column SQL transformations are possible. If omitted, all columns are exported. use_pandas : bool, optional If ``True``, return a :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame`. Otherwise, return a list of results from :func:`python:csv.reader`. encoding : str, optional If ``use_pandas`` is ``True``, this parameter is passed to the ``encoding`` kwarg of :func:`pandas:pandas.read_csv`. If ``use_pandas`` is ``False``, and if this parameter isn't provided, then the UTF-8 encoding is assumed. In case you encounter a ``UnicodeDecodeError``, consider choosing an encoding suitable for your data; see the `list of standard encodings <>`_. job_name : str, optional A name to give the job. If omitted, a random job name will be used. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. credential_id : str or int, optional The database credential ID. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for query completion. archive : bool, optional (deprecated) If ``True``, archive the import job as soon as it completes. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. **kwargs : kwargs Extra keyword arguments are passed into :func:`pandas:pandas.read_csv` if ``use_pandas`` is ``True`` or passed into :func:`python:csv.reader` if ``use_pandas`` is ``False``. Returns ------- data : :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` or list A list of rows (with header as first row) if ``use_pandas`` is ``False``, otherwise a :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame`. Note that if ``use_pandas`` is ``False``, no parsing of types is performed and each row will be a list of strings. Raises ------ ImportError If ``use_pandas`` is ``True`` and pandas is not installed. EmptyResultError If the table is empty. Examples -------- >>> table = "schema.table" >>> database = "my_data" >>> columns = ["column_a", "ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY date) AS order"] >>> data = read_civis(table, database, columns=columns) >>> columns = data.pop(0) >>> col_a_index = columns.index("column_a") >>> col_a = [row[col_a_index] for row in data] >>> df = read_civis("schema.table", "my_data", use_pandas=True) >>> col_a = df["column_a"] See Also -------- : Read directly into memory using SQL. : Write directly to csv. : Store a SQL query's results in a Civis file """ if use_pandas and NO_PANDAS: raise ImportError("use_pandas is True but pandas is not installed.") if archive: warnings.warn("`archive` is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. " "Use `hidden` instead.", FutureWarning) if client is None: # Instantiate client here in case users provide a (deprecated) api_key client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) sql = _get_sql_select(table, columns) data = read_civis_sql(sql=sql, database=database, use_pandas=use_pandas, encoding=encoding, job_name=job_name, client=client, credential_id=credential_id, polling_interval=polling_interval, archive=archive, hidden=hidden, **kwargs) return data
[docs]def export_to_civis_file(sql, database, job_name=None, client=None, credential_id=None, polling_interval=None, hidden=True, csv_settings=None): """Store results of a query to a Civis file Parameters ---------- sql : str The SQL select string to be executed. database : str or int Execute the query against this database. Can be the database name or ID. job_name : str, optional A name to give the job. If omitted, a random job name will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. credential_id : str or int, optional The database credential ID. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for query completion. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. csv_settings : dict, optional A dictionary of csv_settings to pass to :func:`civis.APIClient.scripts.post_sql`. Returns ------- fut : :class:`~civis.futures.CivisFuture` A future which returns the response from :func:`civis.APIClient.scripts.get_sql_runs` after the sql query has completed and the result has been stored as a Civis file. Examples -------- >>> sql = "SELECT * FROM schema.table" >>> fut = export_to_civis_file(sql, "my_database") >>> file_id = fut.result()['output'][0]["file_id"] See Also -------- : Read directly into memory without SQL. : Read results of a SQL query into memory. : Write directly to a CSV file. : Upload a Civis file to a Civis table """ client = client or APIClient() script_id, run_id = _sql_script(client=client, sql=sql, database=database, job_name=job_name, credential_id=credential_id, csv_settings=csv_settings, hidden=hidden) fut = CivisFuture(client.scripts.get_sql_runs, (script_id, run_id), polling_interval=polling_interval, client=client, poll_on_creation=False) return fut
[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key') def read_civis_sql(sql, database, use_pandas=False, encoding=None, job_name=None, api_key=None, client=None, credential_id=None, polling_interval=None, archive=False, hidden=True, **kwargs): """Read data from Civis using a custom SQL string. The custom SQL string will be executed twice; once to attempt to retrieve headers and once to retrieve the data. This is done to use a more performant method for retrieving the data. The first execution of the custom SQL is controlled such that changes in state cannot occur (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.). Parameters ---------- sql : str The SQL select string to be executed. database : str or int Execute the query against this database. Can be the database name or ID. use_pandas : bool, optional If ``True``, return a :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame`. Otherwise, return a list of results from :func:`python:csv.reader`. encoding : str, optional If ``use_pandas`` is ``True``, this parameter is passed to the ``encoding`` kwarg of :func:`pandas:pandas.read_csv`. If ``use_pandas`` is ``False``, and if this parameter isn't provided, then the UTF-8 encoding is assumed. In case you encounter a ``UnicodeDecodeError``, consider choosing an encoding suitable for your data; see the `list of standard encodings <>`_. job_name : str, optional A name to give the job. If omitted, a random job name will be used. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. credential_id : str or int, optional The database credential ID. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for query completion. archive : bool, optional (deprecated) If ``True``, archive the import job as soon as it completes. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. **kwargs : kwargs Extra keyword arguments are passed into :func:`pandas:pandas.read_csv` if ``use_pandas`` is ``True`` or passed into :func:`python:csv.reader` if ``use_pandas`` is ``False``. Returns ------- data : :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` or list A list of rows (with header as first row) if ``use_pandas`` is ``False``, otherwise a :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame`. Note that if ``use_pandas`` is ``False``, no parsing of types is performed and each row will be a list of strings. Raises ------ ImportError If ``use_pandas`` is ``True`` and pandas is not installed. EmptyResultError If no rows were returned as a result of the query. Examples -------- >>> sql = "SELECT * FROM schema.table" >>> df = read_civis_sql(sql, "my_database", use_pandas=True) >>> col_a = df["column_a"] >>> data = read_civis_sql(sql, "my_database") >>> columns = data.pop(0) >>> col_a_index = columns.index("column_a") >>> col_a = [row[col_a_index] for row in data] Notes ----- This reads the data into memory. See Also -------- : Read directly into memory without SQL. : Write directly to a CSV file. """ if client is None: client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) if use_pandas and NO_PANDAS: raise ImportError("use_pandas is True but pandas is not installed.") if archive: warnings.warn("`archive` is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. " "Use `hidden` instead.", FutureWarning) db_id = client.get_database_id(database) credential_id = credential_id or client.default_credential script_id, run_id = _sql_script(client, sql, db_id, job_name, credential_id, csv_settings={"compression": "gzip"}, hidden=hidden) fut = CivisFuture(client.scripts.get_sql_runs, (script_id, run_id), polling_interval=polling_interval, client=client, poll_on_creation=False) if archive: def f(x): return client.scripts.put_sql_archive(script_id, True) fut.add_done_callback(f) fut.result() outputs = client.scripts.get_sql_runs(script_id, run_id)["output"] if not outputs: raise EmptyResultError("Query {} returned no output." .format(script_id)) url = outputs[0]["path"] file_id = outputs[0]["file_id"] log.debug('Exported results to Civis file %s (%s)', outputs[0]["output_name"], file_id) if use_pandas: kwargs['compression'] = 'gzip' kwargs["encoding"] = encoding data = pd.read_csv(url, **kwargs) else: response = requests.get(url, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() with io.StringIO() as buf: _decompress_stream(response, buf, write_bytes=False, encoding=encoding or "utf-8") data = list(csv.reader(buf, **kwargs)) return data
[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key') def civis_to_csv(filename, sql, database, job_name=None, api_key=None, client=None, credential_id=None, include_header=True, compression='none', delimiter=',', unquoted=False, archive=False, hidden=True, polling_interval=None): """Export data from Civis to a local CSV file. The custom SQL string will be executed twice; once to attempt to retrieve headers and once to retrieve the data. This is done to use a more performant method for retrieving the data. The first execution of the custom SQL is controlled such that changes in state cannot occur (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.). Parameters ---------- filename : str Download exported data into this file. sql : str The SQL select string to be executed. database : str or int Export data from this database. Can be the database name or ID. job_name : str, optional A name to give the job. If omitted, a random job name will be used. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. credential_id : str or int, optional The ID of the database credential. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. include_header: bool, optional If ``True``, the first line of the CSV will be headers. Default: ``True``. compression: str, optional Type of compression to use, if any. One of ``'none'``, ``'zip'``, or ``'gzip'``. Default ``'none'``. ``'gzip'`` currently returns a file with no compression unless include_header is set to False. In a future release, a ``'gzip'`` compressed file will be returned for all cases. delimiter: str, optional Which delimiter to use, if any. One of ``','``, ``'\t'``, or ``'|'``. Default: ``','``. unquoted: bool, optional Whether or not to quote fields. Default: ``False``. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for query completion. archive : bool, optional (deprecated) If ``True``, archive the import job as soon as it completes. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. Returns ------- results : :class:`~civis.futures.CivisFuture` A `CivisFuture` object. Examples -------- >>> sql = "SELECT * FROM schema.table" >>> fut = civis_to_csv("file.csv", sql, "my_database") >>> fut.result() # Wait for job to complete See Also -------- : Read table contents into memory. : Read results of a SQL query into memory. : Store a SQL query's results in a Civis file """ if archive: warnings.warn("`archive` is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. " "Use `hidden` instead.", FutureWarning) if client is None: client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) db_id = client.get_database_id(database) credential_id = credential_id or client.default_credential # don't fix bug that would cause breaking change for now # when gzip compression is requested, a gzip file is not actually returned # instead the gzip file is decompressed during download if compression == 'gzip' and include_header: compression = 'none' # don't support parallel unload; the output format # is different which would introduce a breaking change headers = b'' delimiter = DELIMITERS.get(delimiter) if not delimiter: raise ValueError("delimiter must be one of {}" .format(DELIMITERS.keys())) # always set compression to gzip to reduce I/O csv_settings = dict(include_header=include_header, compression='gzip', column_delimiter=delimiter, unquoted=unquoted, filename_prefix=None, force_multifile=False) script_id, run_id = _sql_script(client, sql, db_id, job_name, credential_id, hidden=hidden, csv_settings=csv_settings) fut = CivisFuture(client.scripts.get_sql_runs, (script_id, run_id), polling_interval=polling_interval, client=client, poll_on_creation=False) download = _download_callback(script_id, run_id, filename, headers, compression) fut.add_done_callback(download) if archive: def f(x): return client.scripts.put_sql_archive(script_id, True) fut.add_done_callback(f) return fut
[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key') def civis_to_multifile_csv(sql, database, job_name=None, api_key=None, client=None, credential_id=None, include_header=True, compression='none', delimiter='|', max_file_size=None, unquoted=False, prefix=None, polling_interval=None, hidden=True): """Unload the result of SQL query and return presigned urls. This function is intended for unloading large queries/tables from redshift as it uses a 'PARALLEL ON' S3 unload. It returns a similar manifest file to conventional S3 UNLOAD statements except the CSV parts are accessible via both files endpoint IDs and presigned S3 urls. Parameters ---------- sql : str The SQL select string to be executed. database : str or int Execute the query against this database. Can be the database name or ID. job_name : str, optional A name to give the job. If omitted, a random job name will be used. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. credential_id : str or int, optional The database credential ID. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. include_header: bool, optional If ``True`` include a key in the returned dictionary containing a list of column names. Default: ``True``. compression: str, optional Type of compression to use, if any. One of ``'none'``, ``'zip'``, or ``'gzip'``. Default ``'none'``. delimiter: str, optional Which delimiter to use, if any. One of ``','``, ``'\t'``, or ``'|'``. Default: ``'|'``. max_file_size: int, optional Maximum number of Megabytes each created file will be. unquoted: bool, optional Whether or not to quote fields. Default: ``False``. prefix: str, optional A user specified filename prefix for the output file to have. Default: ``None``. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for query completion. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. Returns ------- unload_manifest: dict A dictionary resembling an AWS manifest file. Has the following keys: 'query': str The query. 'header': list of str The columns from the query. 'entries': list of dict Each dict has the following keys: 'id': int File ID 'name': str Filename 'size': int File size in bytes 'url': str Unsigned S3 URL ('s3://...') 'url_signed': str Signed S3 URL ('https://...') 'unquoted': bool Whether the cells are quoted. 'compression': str Type of compression used. 'delimiter': str Delimiter that separates the cells. Examples -------- >>> sql = "SELECT * FROM schema.my_big_table" >>> database = "my_database" >>> delimiter = "|" >>> manifest = civis_to_multifile_csv(sql, database, delimiter=delimiter) >>> ids = [entry['id'] for entry in manifest['entries']] >>> buf = BytesIO() >>> civis_to_file(ids[0], buf) >>> >>> df = pd.read_csv(buf, delimiter=delimiter) See Also -------- civis.APIClient.scripts.post_sql """ if client is None: client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) delimiter = DELIMITERS.get(delimiter) if not delimiter: raise ValueError( f"delimiter must be one of {DELIMITERS.keys()}: {delimiter}" ) csv_settings = dict(include_header=include_header, compression=compression, column_delimiter=delimiter, unquoted=unquoted, filename_prefix=prefix, force_multifile=True, max_file_size=max_file_size) script_id, run_id = _sql_script(client, sql, database, job_name, credential_id, hidden, csv_settings=csv_settings) fut = CivisFuture(client.scripts.get_sql_runs, (script_id, run_id), polling_interval=polling_interval, client=client, poll_on_creation=False) outputs = fut.result()["output"] if not outputs: raise EmptyResultError("Unload query {} returned no manifest." .format(script_id)) buf = io.BytesIO() civis_to_file(outputs[0]['file_id'], buf, client=client) txt = io.TextIOWrapper(buf, encoding='utf-8') unload_manifest = json.load(txt) return unload_manifest
[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key', 'headers') def dataframe_to_civis(df, database, table, api_key=None, client=None, max_errors=None, existing_table_rows="fail", diststyle=None, distkey=None, sortkey1=None, sortkey2=None, table_columns=None, headers=None, credential_id=None, primary_keys=None, last_modified_keys=None, execution="immediate", delimiter=None, polling_interval=None, archive=False, hidden=True, **kwargs): """Upload a `pandas` `DataFrame` into a Civis table. The `DataFrame`'s index will not be included. To store the index along with the other values, use `df.reset_index()` instead of `df` as the first argument to this function. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame` The `DataFrame` to upload to Civis. database : str or int Upload data into this database. Can be the database name or ID. table : str The schema and table you want to upload to. E.g., ``'scratch.table'``. Schemas or tablenames with periods must be double quoted, e.g. ``'scratch."my.table"'``. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. max_errors : int, optional The maximum number of rows with errors to remove from the import before failing. existing_table_rows : str, optional The behaviour if a table with the requested name already exists. One of ``'fail'``, ``'truncate'``, ``'append'``, ``'drop'``, or ``'upsert'``. Defaults to ``'fail'``. diststyle : str, optional The distribution style for the table. One of ``'even'``, ``'all'`` or ``'key'``. distkey : str, optional The column to use as the distkey for the table. sortkey1 : str, optional The column to use as the sortkey for the table. sortkey2 : str, optional The second column in a compound sortkey for the table. table_columns : list[Dict[str, str]], optional A list of dictionaries, ordered so each dictionary corresponds to a column in the order that it appears in the source file. Each dict should have a key "name" that corresponds to the column name in the destination table, and a key "sql_type" corresponding to the intended column data type in the destination table. The "sql_type" key is not required when appending to an existing table. The table_columns parameter is required if the table does not exist, the table is being dropped, or the columns in the source file do not appear in the same order as in the destination table. Example: ``[{"name": "foo", "sql_type": "INT"}, {"name": "bar", "sql_type": "VARCHAR"}]`` headers : bool, optional [DEPRECATED] Whether or not the first row of the file should be treated as headers. The default, ``None``, attempts to autodetect whether or not the first row contains headers. This parameter has no effect in versions >= 1.11 and will be removed in v2.0. Tables will always be written with column names read from the DataFrame. Use the `header` parameter (which will be passed directly to :func:`~pandas.DataFrame.to_csv`) to modify the column names in the Civis Table. credential_id : str or int, optional The ID of the database credential. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. primary_keys: list[str], optional A list of the primary key column(s) of the destination table that uniquely identify a record. These columns must not contain null values. If existing_table_rows is "upsert", this field is required. Note that this is true regardless of whether the destination database itself requires a primary key. last_modified_keys: list[str], optional A list of the columns indicating a record has been updated. If existing_table_rows is "upsert", this field is required. escaped: bool, optional A boolean value indicating whether or not the source file has quotes escaped with a backslash. Defaults to false. execution: string, optional, default "immediate" One of "delayed" or "immediate". If "immediate", refresh column statistics as part of the run. If "delayed", flag the table for a deferred statistics update; column statistics may not be available for up to 24 hours. In addition, if existing_table_rows is "upsert", delayed executions move data from staging table to final table after a brief delay, in order to accommodate multiple concurrent imports to the same destination table. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for job completion. archive : bool, optional (deprecated) If ``True``, archive the import job as soon as it completes. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. **kwargs : kwargs Extra keyword arguments will be passed to :meth:`pandas:pandas.DataFrame.to_csv`. Returns ------- fut : :class:`~civis.futures.CivisFuture` A `CivisFuture` object. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [4, 5, 6]}) >>> fut =, 'my-database', ... 'scratch.df_table') >>> fut.result() See Also -------- :func:`~pandas.DataFrame.to_csv` """ # noqa: E501 if client is None: client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) if archive: warnings.warn("`archive` is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. " "Use `hidden` instead.", FutureWarning) headers = False if kwargs.get('header') is False else True with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'dataframe_to_civis.csv') to_csv_kwargs = {'encoding': 'utf-8', 'index': False} to_csv_kwargs.update(kwargs) df.to_csv(tmp_path, **to_csv_kwargs) _, name = split_schema_tablename(table) file_id = file_to_civis(tmp_path, name, client=client) delimiter = ',' fut = civis_file_to_table(file_id, database, table, client=client, max_errors=max_errors, existing_table_rows=existing_table_rows, diststyle=diststyle, distkey=distkey, sortkey1=sortkey1, sortkey2=sortkey2, table_columns=table_columns, delimiter=delimiter, headers=headers, credential_id=credential_id, primary_keys=primary_keys, last_modified_keys=last_modified_keys, escaped=False, execution=execution, polling_interval=polling_interval, hidden=hidden) return fut
[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key') def csv_to_civis(filename, database, table, api_key=None, client=None, max_errors=None, existing_table_rows="fail", diststyle=None, distkey=None, sortkey1=None, sortkey2=None, table_columns=None, delimiter=",", headers=None, primary_keys=None, last_modified_keys=None, escaped=False, execution="immediate", credential_id=None, polling_interval=None, archive=False, hidden=True): """Upload the contents of a local CSV file to Civis. Parameters ---------- filename : str Upload the contents of this file. database : str or int Upload data into this database. Can be the database name or ID. table : str The schema and table you want to upload to. E.g., ``'scratch.table'``. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. max_errors : int, optional The maximum number of rows with errors to remove from the import before failing. existing_table_rows : str, optional The behaviour if a table with the requested name already exists. One of ``'fail'``, ``'truncate'``, ``'append'``, ``'drop'``, or ``'upsert'``. Defaults to ``'fail'``. diststyle : str, optional The distribution style for the table. One of ``'even'``, ``'all'`` or ``'key'``. distkey : str, optional The column to use as the distkey for the table. sortkey1 : str, optional The column to use as the sortkey for the table. sortkey2 : str, optional The second column in a compound sortkey for the table. table_columns : list[Dict[str, str]], optional A list of dictionaries, ordered so each dictionary corresponds to a column in the order that it appears in the source file. Each dict should have a key "name" that corresponds to the column name in the destination table, and a key "sql_type" corresponding to the intended column data type in the destination table. The "sql_type" key is not required when appending to an existing table. The table_columns parameter is required if the table does not exist, the table is being dropped, or the columns in the source file do not appear in the same order as in the destination table. Example: ``[{"name": "foo", "sql_type": "INT"}, {"name": "bar", "sql_type": "VARCHAR"}]`` delimiter : string, optional The column delimiter. One of ``','``, ``'\\t'`` or ``'|'``. headers : bool, optional Whether or not the first row of the file should be treated as headers. The default, ``None``, attempts to autodetect whether or not the first row contains headers. primary_keys: list[str], optional A list of the primary key column(s) of the destination table that uniquely identify a record. These columns must not contain null values. If existing_table_rows is "upsert", this field is required. Note that this is true regardless of whether the destination database itself requires a primary key. last_modified_keys: list[str], optional A list of the columns indicating a record has been updated. If existing_table_rows is "upsert", this field is required. escaped: bool, optional A boolean value indicating whether or not the source file has quotes escaped with a backslash. Defaults to false. execution: string, optional, default "immediate" One of "delayed" or "immediate". If "immediate", refresh column statistics as part of the run. If "delayed", flag the table for a deferred statistics update; column statistics may not be available for up to 24 hours. In addition, if existing_table_rows is "upsert", delayed executions move data from staging table to final table after a brief delay, in order to accommodate multiple concurrent imports to the same destination table. credential_id : str or int, optional The ID of the database credential. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for job completion. archive : bool, optional (deprecated) If ``True``, archive the import job as soon as it completes. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. Returns ------- results : :class:`~civis.futures.CivisFuture` A `CivisFuture` object. Notes ----- This reads the contents of `filename` into memory. Examples -------- >>> with open('input_file.csv', 'w') as _input: ... _input.write('a,b,c\\n1,2,3') >>> fut ='input_file.csv', ... 'my-database', ... 'scratch.my_data') >>> fut.result() """ # noqa: E501 if client is None: client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) if archive: warnings.warn("`archive` is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. " "Use `hidden` instead.", FutureWarning) name = path.basename(filename) with open(filename, "rb") as data: file_id = file_to_civis(data, name, client=client) log.debug('Uploaded file %s to Civis file %s', filename, file_id) fut = civis_file_to_table(file_id, database, table, client=client, max_errors=max_errors, existing_table_rows=existing_table_rows, diststyle=diststyle, distkey=distkey, sortkey1=sortkey1, sortkey2=sortkey2, table_columns=table_columns, delimiter=delimiter, headers=headers, credential_id=credential_id, primary_keys=primary_keys, last_modified_keys=last_modified_keys, escaped=escaped, execution=execution, polling_interval=polling_interval, hidden=hidden) return fut
[docs]def civis_file_to_table(file_id, database, table, client=None, max_errors=None, existing_table_rows="fail", diststyle=None, distkey=None, sortkey1=None, sortkey2=None, table_columns=None, primary_keys=None, last_modified_keys=None, escaped=False, execution="immediate", delimiter=None, headers=None, credential_id=None, polling_interval=None, hidden=True): """Upload the contents of one or more Civis files to a Civis table. All provided files will be loaded as an atomic unit in parallel, and should share the same columns in the same order, and be in the same format. .. note:: Civis files must be in a CSV-like delimiter separated format. Parameters ---------- file_id : int or list[int] Civis file ID or a list of Civis file IDs. database : str or int Upload data into this database. Can be the database name or ID. table : str The schema and table you want to upload to. E.g., ``'scratch.table'``. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. max_errors : int, optional The maximum number of rows with errors to remove from the import before failing. If multiple files are provided, this limit applies across all files combined. existing_table_rows : str, optional The behaviour if a table with the requested name already exists. One of ``'fail'``, ``'truncate'``, ``'append'``, ``'drop'``, or ``'upsert'``. Defaults to ``'fail'``. diststyle : str, optional The distribution style for the table. One of ``'even'``, ``'all'`` or ``'key'``. distkey : str, optional The column to use as the distkey for the table. sortkey1 : str, optional The column to use as the sortkey for the table. sortkey2 : str, optional The second column in a compound sortkey for the table. table_columns : list[Dict[str, str]], optional A list of dictionaries, ordered so each dictionary corresponds to a column in the order that it appears in the source file. Each dict should have a key "name" that corresponds to the column name in the destination table, and a key "sql_type" corresponding to the intended column data type in the destination table. The "sql_type" key is not required when appending to an existing table. The table_columns parameter is required if the table does not exist, the table is being dropped, or the columns in the source file do not appear in the same order as in the destination table. Example: ``[{"name": "foo", "sql_type": "INT"}, {"name": "bar", "sql_type": "VARCHAR"}]`` primary_keys: list[str], optional A list of the primary key column(s) of the destination table that uniquely identify a record. These columns must not contain null values. If existing_table_rows is "upsert", this field is required. Note that this is true regardless of whether the destination database itself requires a primary key. last_modified_keys: list[str], optional A list of the columns indicating a record has been updated. If existing_table_rows is "upsert", this field is required. escaped: bool, optional A boolean value indicating whether or not the source file(s) escape quotes with a backslash. Defaults to false. execution: string, optional, default "immediate" One of "delayed" or "immediate". If "immediate", refresh column statistics as part of the run. If "delayed", flag the table for a deferred statistics update; column statistics may not be available for up to 24 hours. In addition, if existing_table_rows is "upsert", delayed executions move data from staging table to final table after a brief delay, in order to accommodate multiple concurrent imports to the same destination table. delimiter : string, optional The column delimiter. One of ``','``, ``'\\t'`` or ``'|'``. If not provided, will attempt to auto-detect. headers : bool, optional Whether or not the first row of the file should be treated as headers. The default, ``None``, attempts to autodetect whether or not the first row contains headers. credential_id : str or int, optional The ID of the database credential. If ``None``, the default credential will be used. polling_interval : int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for job completion. hidden : bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. Returns ------- results : :class:`~civis.futures.CivisFuture` A `CivisFuture` object. Raises ------ CivisImportError If multiple files are given and determined to be incompatible for import. This may be the case if their columns have different types, their delimiters are different, headers are present in some but not others, or compressions do not match. Examples -------- >>> file_id = 100 >>> fut =, ... 'my-database', ... 'scratch.my_data') >>> fut.result() """ # noqa: E501 if client is None: client = APIClient() schema, table_name = split_schema_tablename(table) if isinstance(file_id, int): file_id = [file_id] if not file_id: raise ValueError("Provide one or multiple meaningful input file IDs.") if schema is None: raise ValueError("Provide a schema as part of the `table` input.") db_id = client.get_database_id(database) cred_id = credential_id or client.default_credential if delimiter is not None: # i.e. it was provided as an argument delimiter = DELIMITERS.get(delimiter) if not delimiter: raise ValueError( f"delimiter must be one of {DELIMITERS.keys()}: {delimiter}" ) if table_columns: # If the data cleaning code doesn't find a "sql_type" for each # entry, it will silently replace the input table_columns with # an inferred table_columns. Make sure there's no typos in the input. keys = set(key for hash in table_columns for key in hash) valid_keys = {'name', 'sql_type'} invalid_keys = keys - valid_keys if invalid_keys: # Sort the sets for display to allow for deterministic testing in # Python versions < 3.7. raise ValueError( "Keys of the dictionaries contained in `table_columns` must " "be one of {}. The input `table_columns` also has " "{}.".format( tuple(sorted(valid_keys)), tuple(sorted(invalid_keys)) ) ) try: client.get_table_id(table, database) log.debug('Table {table} already exists - skipping column ' 'detection'.format(table=table)) table_exists = True except ValueError: table_exists = False sql_types_provided = False if table_columns: sql_type_cnt = sum(1 for col in table_columns if col.get('sql_type')) if sql_type_cnt == len(table_columns): sql_types_provided = True elif sql_type_cnt != 0: error_message = 'Some table columns ' \ 'have a sql type provided, ' \ 'but others do not.' raise ValueError(error_message) # Use Preprocess endpoint to get the table columns as needed # and perform necessary file cleaning need_table_columns = ((not table_exists or existing_table_rows == 'drop') and (not sql_types_provided)) cleaning_futures = _run_cleaning(file_id, client, need_table_columns, headers, delimiter, hidden) (cleaned_file_ids, headers, compression, delimiter, cleaned_table_columns) = _process_cleaning_results( cleaning_futures, client, headers, need_table_columns, delimiter ) table_columns = (cleaned_table_columns if need_table_columns else table_columns) source = dict(file_ids=cleaned_file_ids) destination = dict(schema=schema, table=table_name, remote_host_id=db_id, credential_id=cred_id, primary_keys=primary_keys, last_modified_keys=last_modified_keys) redshift_options = dict(distkey=distkey, sortkeys=[sortkey1, sortkey2], diststyle=diststyle) import_name = 'CSV import to {}.{}'.format(schema, table_name) import_job = client.imports.post_files_csv( source, destination, headers, name=import_name, max_errors=max_errors, existing_table_rows=existing_table_rows, column_delimiter=delimiter, compression=compression, escaped=escaped, execution=execution, # If the user hasn't explicitly provided table column info, # then there might be differences in their precisions/lengths. # Setting this option will allow the Civis API # to increase these values for the data types provided, # and decreases the risk of a length-related import failure # when types are inferred. loosen_types=need_table_columns, table_columns=table_columns, redshift_destination_options=redshift_options, hidden=hidden ) fut = run_job(, client=client, polling_interval=polling_interval) log.debug('Started run %d for import %d', fut.run_id, return fut
def _sql_script(client, sql, database, job_name, credential_id, hidden=False, csv_settings=None): job_name = maybe_get_random_name(job_name) db_id = client.get_database_id(database) credential_id = credential_id or client.default_credential csv_settings = csv_settings or {} export_job = client.scripts.post_sql(job_name, remote_host_id=db_id, credential_id=credential_id, sql=sql, hidden=hidden, csv_settings=csv_settings) run_job = client.scripts.post_sql_runs( log.debug('Started run %d of SQL script %d',, return, def _get_sql_select(table, columns=None): if columns and not isinstance(columns, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("columns must be a list, tuple or None") select = ", ".join(columns) if columns is not None else "*" sql = "select {} from {}".format(select, table) # nosec return sql def _decompress_stream(response, buf, write_bytes=True, encoding="utf-8"): # use response.raw for a more consistent approach # if content-encoding is specified in the headers # then response.iter_content will decompress the stream # however, our use of content-encoding is inconsistent chunk = d = zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS | 32) while chunk or d.unused_data: if d.unused_data: to_decompress = d.unused_data + chunk d = zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS | 32) else: to_decompress = d.unconsumed_tail + chunk if write_bytes: buf.write(d.decompress(to_decompress)) else: buf.write(d.decompress(to_decompress).decode(encoding)) chunk = def _download_file(url, local_path, headers, compression): response = requests.get(url, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() # gzipped buffers can be concatenated so write headers as gzip if compression == 'gzip': with, 'wb') as fout: fout.write(headers) with open(local_path, 'ab') as fout: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, fout, CHUNK_SIZE) # write headers and decompress the stream elif compression == 'none': with open(local_path, 'wb') as fout: fout.write(headers) _decompress_stream(response, fout) # decompress the stream, write headers, and zip the file elif compression == 'zip': with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_path = path.join(tmp_dir, 'civis_to_csv.csv') with open(tmp_path, 'wb') as tmp_file: tmp_file.write(headers) _decompress_stream(response, tmp_file) with zipfile.ZipFile(local_path, 'w') as fout: arcname = path.basename(local_path) if arcname.split('.')[-1] == 'zip': arcname = arcname.split('.')[0] + '.csv' fout.write(tmp_path, arcname, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) def _download_callback(job_id, run_id, filename, headers, compression): def callback(future): if not future.succeeded(): return outputs = future.result().get("output") if not outputs: warnings.warn("Job %s, run %s does not have any output to " "download. Not creating file %s." % (job_id, run_id, filename), RuntimeWarning) return else: url = outputs[0]["path"] file_id = outputs[0]["file_id"] log.debug('Exported results to Civis file %s', file_id) return _download_file(url, filename, headers, compression) return callback
[docs]def split_schema_tablename(table): """Split a Redshift 'schema.tablename' string Remember that special characters (such as '.') can only be included in a schema or table name if delimited by double-quotes. Parameters ---------- table: str Either a Redshift schema and table name combined with a ".", or else a single table name. Returns ------- schema, tablename A 2-tuple of strings. The ``schema`` may be None if the input is only a table name, but the ``tablename`` will always be filled. Raises ------ ValueError If the input ``table`` is not separable into a schema and table name. """ reader = csv.reader(io.StringIO(str(table)), delimiter=".", doublequote=True, quotechar='"') schema_name_tup = next(reader) if len(schema_name_tup) == 1: schema_name_tup = (None, schema_name_tup[0]) if len(schema_name_tup) != 2: raise ValueError("Cannot parse schema and table. " "Does '{}' follow the pattern 'schema.table'?" .format(table)) return tuple(schema_name_tup)
def _run_cleaning(file_ids, client, need_table_columns, headers, delimiter, hidden, polling_interval=None): cleaning_futures = [] for fid in file_ids: cleaner_job = client.files.post_preprocess_csv( file_id=fid, in_place=False, detect_table_columns=need_table_columns, force_character_set_conversion=True, include_header=headers, column_delimiter=delimiter, hidden=hidden ) fut = run_job(, client=client, polling_interval=polling_interval) log.debug('Started CSV preprocess job %d run %d for file %d (%s)',, fut.run_id, fid, client.files.get(fid).name) cleaning_futures.append(fut) return cleaning_futures def _process_cleaning_results(cleaning_futures, client, headers, need_table_columns, delimiter): futures, _ = concurrent.futures.wait(cleaning_futures) files: List[_File] = [] job_run_ids_no_output = [] for fut in futures: objs =, fut.run_id) if not objs: job_run_ids_no_output.append((fut.job_id, fut.run_id)) continue # `objs` is guaranteed to have exactly one file output. f = client.files.get(objs[0].object_id) files.append( _File(,, detected_info=f.detected_info) ) if job_run_ids_no_output: job_run_ids_in_err_msg = "\n".join( f"\tjob {j} run {r}" for j, r in job_run_ids_no_output ) raise CivisImportError( "No CSV preprocess output found for " f"these runs:\n{job_run_ids_in_err_msg}" ) if need_table_columns: table_columns, allow_inconsistent_headers = _check_column_types(files) else: table_columns = None allow_inconsistent_headers = False try: headers = _check_detected_info(files, "includeHeader", headers) except CivisImportError: if allow_inconsistent_headers: headers = True else: raise delimiter = _check_detected_info(files, "columnDelimiter", delimiter) compression = _check_detected_info(files, "compression") cleaned_file_ids = [ for f in files] return cleaned_file_ids, headers, compression, delimiter, table_columns def _check_detected_info(files: List[_File], attr: str, value_from_user=None): values_detected = [f.detected_info[attr] for f in files] err_msg = _err_msg_if_inconsistent(values_detected, files) if err_msg: raise CivisImportError( f"All detected values for '{attr}' must be the same, " f"however --\n{err_msg}" ) value_detected = values_detected[0] # The user cannot specify "compression" from civis_file_to_table. if attr == "compression" or value_from_user is None: return value_detected if value_detected != value_from_user: raise CivisImportError( f"All detected values for '{attr}' in your files " f"are {value_detected}, which doesn't match " f"your provided value of {value_from_user}" ) else: return value_detected def _check_column_types(files: List[_File]): cols_by_file: List[List[Dict[str, str]]] cols_by_file = [f.detected_info["tableColumns"] for f in files] col_counts = [len(cols) for cols in cols_by_file] err_msg = _err_msg_if_inconsistent(col_counts, files) if err_msg: raise CivisImportError( f"All files must have the same number of columns, " f"however --\n{err_msg}" ) # Transpose cols_by_file to get cols_by_col # cols_by_col: List[List[Dict[str, str]]] cols_by_col = list(map(list, zip(*cols_by_file))) table_columns: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] allow_inconsistent_headers = False err_msgs: List[str] = [] for i, cols in enumerate(cols_by_col, 1): col_name = next( (c.get("name") for c in cols if c.get("name")), f"column_{i}" ) sql_base_types = [ col["sql_type"].split("(", 1)[0].upper() for col in cols ] err_msg = _err_msg_if_inconsistent(sql_base_types, files) if err_msg and "VARCHAR" not in sql_base_types: err_msgs.append( f"All sql_types for column '{col_name}' must be the same, " f"however --\n{err_msg}" ) continue if err_msg: # If the sql_types are inconsistent and at least one of them # is a VARCHAR, then simply use VARCHAR # for this column across all files. sql_type = "VARCHAR" # The one single file that originally had sql_type as VARCHAR # has the detected "first row is headers" to be false # (i.e., the detection thought the first row was first row of data, # because it can't reliably tell when it comes to VARCHAR), # whereas for all the other files where the sql_type for this # column isn't VARCHAR, the detected "first row is headers" is # true instead. Due to this expected inconsistency, # we need to pass a flag out of this function to signal # that we can allow `headers` to be True. allow_inconsistent_headers = True else: sql_type = cols[0]["sql_type"] table_columns.append({"name": col_name, "sql_type": sql_type}) if err_msgs: raise CivisImportError("\n".join(err_msgs)) return table_columns, allow_inconsistent_headers def _err_msg_if_inconsistent(items: List, files: List[_File]): if len(set(items)) <= 1: return values_to_indices = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, value in enumerate(items): values_to_indices[value].append(i) msg_for_each_value = [ f"\t{v} from: {_format_files_for_err_msg(files, indices)}" for v, indices in values_to_indices.items() ] err_msg = "\n".join(msg_for_each_value) return err_msg def _format_files_for_err_msg(files: List[_File], indices): files_in_str = [f"file {files[i].id} ({files[i].name})" for i in indices] return ", ".join(files_in_str)