User Guide

Getting Started

After installing the Civis API Python client and setting up your API key, you can now import the package civis:

>>> import civis

There are two entrypoints for working with the Civis API. The first is the civis namespace, which contains tools for typical workflows in a user friendly-manner. For example, you may want to perform some tranformation on your data in Python that might be tricky to code in SQL. This code downloads data from Civis, calculates the correlation between all the columns and then uploads the data back into Civis:

>>> df ="my_schema.my_table",
...                          database="database",
...                          use_pandas=True)
>>> correlation_matrix = df.corr()
>>> correlation_matrix["corr_var"] = correlation_matrix.index
>>> poller =,
...                                      database="database")
...                                      table="my_schema.my_correlations")
>>> poller.result()

Pollable Results

In the code above, dataframe_to_civis() returns a special PollableResult object. Making a request to the Civis API usually results in a long running job. To account for this, various functions in the civis namespace return a PollableResult to allow you to process multiple long running jobs simultaneously. For instance, you may want to start many jobs in parallel and wait for them all to finish rather than wait for each job to finish before starting the next one.

The PollableResult follows the concurrent.futures.Future API fairly closely. For example, calling result() on poller above forces the program to wait for the job started with dataframe_to_civis() to finish and returns the result.

Working Directly with the Client

Although many common workflows are included in the Civis API Python client, projects often require direct calls to the Civis API. For convenience, the Civis API Python client implements an APIClient object to make these API calls with Python syntax rather than a manually crafted HTTP request. To make a call, first instantiate an APIClient object:

>>> client = civis.APIClient()


Creating an instance of APIClient makes an HTTP request to determine the functions to attach to the object. You must have an API key and internet connection to create an APIClient object. By default, the functions attached to the object come from a base set of Civis API endpoints. Based on your user profile, you may have access to a set of developmental endpoints. To access these, instantiate the client with client = civis.APIClient(resources='all').

With the client object instantiated, you can now make API requests like listing your user information:

>>> client.users.list_me()
{'email': '',
 'feature_flags': {'left_nav_basic': True,
                   'results': True,
                   'scripts_notify': True,
                   'table_person_matching': True},
 'id': 1,
 'initials': 'UN',
 'name': 'User Name',
 'username': 'uname'}

Suppose we did not have the namespace. This is how we might export a CSV file from Civis. As you will see, this can be quite involved and the civis namespace entrypoint should be preferred whenever possible.

First, we get the ID for our database then we get the default credential for the current user.

>>> db_id = client.get_database_id('cluster-name')
>>> cred_id = client.default_credential

In order to export a table, we need to write some SQL that will generate the data to export. Then we create the export job and run it.

>>> generate_table = "select * from schema.tablename"
>>> export_job = client.scripts.post_sql(name="our export job",
>>> export_run = client.scripts.post_sql_runs(

We can then poll and wait for the export to be completed.

>>> import time
>>> export_state = client.scripts.get_sql_runs(,
>>> while export_state.state in ['queued', 'running']:
...    time.sleep(60)
...    export_state = client.scripts.get_sql_runs(,

Now, we can get the URL of the exported csv. First, we grab the result of our export job.

>>> export_result = client.scripts.get_sql_runs(,

In the future, a script may export multiple jobs, so the output of this is a list.

The path returned will have a gzipped csv file, which we could load, for example, with pandas.

>>> url = export_result.output[0].path