, sql, database, job_name=None, api_key=None, client=None, credential_id=None, include_header=True, compression='none', delimiter=', ', unquoted=False, archive=False, hidden=True, polling_interval=None)[source]

Export data from Civis to a local CSV file.

The custom SQL string will be executed twice; once to attempt to retrieve headers and once to retrieve the data. This is done to use a more performant method for retrieving the data. The first execution of the custom SQL is controlled such that changes in state cannot occur (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.).

filename : str

Download exported data into this file.

sql : str

The SQL select string to be executed.

database : str or int

Export data from this database. Can be the database name or ID.

job_name : str, optional

A name to give the job. If omitted, a random job name will be used.

api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional

Your Civis API key. If not given, the CIVIS_API_KEY environment variable will be used.

client : civis.APIClient, optional

If not provided, an civis.APIClient object will be created from the CIVIS_API_KEY.

credential_id : str or int, optional

The ID of the database credential. If None, the default credential will be used.

include_header: bool, optional

If True, the first line of the CSV will be headers. Default: True.

compression: str, optional

Type of compression to use, if any. One of 'none', 'zip', or 'gzip'. Default 'none'. 'gzip' currently returns a file with no compression unless include_header is set to False. In a future release, a 'gzip' compressed file will be returned for all cases.

delimiter: str, optional

Which delimiter to use, if any. One of ',', '     ', or '|'. Default: ','.

unquoted: bool, optional

Whether or not to quote fields. Default: False.

polling_interval : int or float, optional

Number of seconds to wait between checks for query completion.

archive : bool, optional (deprecated)

If True, archive the import job as soon as it completes.

hidden : bool, optional

If True (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI.

results : CivisFuture

A CivisFuture object.

See also
Read table contents into memory.
Read results of a SQL query into memory.
Store a SQL query’s results in a Civis file


>>> sql = "SELECT * FROM schema.table"
>>> fut = civis_to_csv("file.csv", sql, "my_database")
>>> fut.result()  # Wait for job to complete