, dest_db, source_table, dest_table, job_name=None, api_key=None, source_credential_id=None, dest_credential_id=None, polling_interval=None, **advanced_options)

Transfer a table from one location to another.


source_db : str or int

The name of the database where the source table is located. Optionally, could be the database ID.

dest_db : str or int

The name of the database where the table will be transfered. Optionally, could be the database ID.

source_table : str

Full name of the table to transfer, e.g., 'schema.table'.

dest_table : str

Full name of the table in the destination database, e.g., 'schema.table'.

job_name : str, optional

A name to give the job. If omitted, a random job name will be used.

api_key : str, optional

Your Civis API key. If not given, the CIVIS_API_KEY environment variable will be used.

source_credential_id : str or int, optional

Optional credential ID for the source database. If None, the default credential will be used.

dest_credential_id : str or int, optional

Optional credential ID for the destination database. If None, the default credential will be used.

polling_interval : int or float, optional

Number of seconds to wait between checks for job completion.

**advanced_options : kwargs

Extra keyword arguments will be passed to the import sync job. See post_syncs().


results : CivisFuture

A CivisFuture object.


>>> transfer_table(source_db='Cluster A', dest_db='Cluster B',
...                source_table='schma.tbl', dest_table='schma.tbl')