Source code for civis.base

from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import super
import os
from posixpath import join
import threading
from concurrent import futures
import six
import warnings

from civis.response import PaginatedResponse, convert_response_data_type
from civis._utils import open_session

FINISHED = ['success', 'succeeded']
FAILED = ['failed']
NOT_FINISHED = ['queued', 'running']
CANCELLED = ['cancelled']

# Translate Civis state strings into `future` state strings
for name in FINISHED + FAILED:
    STATE_TRANS[name] = futures._base.FINISHED
for name in NOT_FINISHED:
    STATE_TRANS[name] = futures._base.RUNNING
for name in CANCELLED:
    STATE_TRANS[name] = futures._base.CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED


def tostr_urljoin(*x):
    return join(*map(str, x))

class CivisJobFailure(Exception):
    def __init__(self, err_msg, response=None):
        self.error_message = err_msg
        self.response = response

    def __str__(self):
        return self.error_message

class CivisAPIError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, response):
        if response.content:  # the API itself gave an error response
            json = response.json()
            self.error_message = json["errorDescription"]
        else:  # this was something like a 502
            self.error_message = response.reason

        self.status_code = response.status_code
        self._response = response

    def __str__(self):
        if self.status_code:
            return "({}) {}".format(self.status_code, self.error_message)
            return self.error_message

class EmptyResultError(Exception):

class CivisAPIKeyError(Exception):

def get_base_url():
    base_url = os.environ.get('CIVIS_API_ENDPOINT', DEFAULT_API_ENDPOINT)
    if not base_url.endswith('/'):
        base_url += '/'
    return base_url

class Endpoint(object):

    _lock = threading.Lock()

    def __init__(self, session_kwargs, return_type='civis'):
        self._session_kwargs = session_kwargs
        self._return_type = return_type
        self._base_url = get_base_url()

    def _build_path(self, path):
        if not path:
            return self._base_url
        return tostr_urljoin(self._base_url, path.strip("/"))

    def _make_request(self, method, path=None, params=None, data=None,
        url = self._build_path(path)

        with self._lock:
            with open_session(**self._session_kwargs) as sess:
                response = sess.request(method, url, json=data,
                                        params=params, **kwargs)

        if response.status_code == 401:
            auth_error = response.headers["www-authenticate"]

        if not response.ok:
            raise CivisAPIError(response)

        return response

    def _call_api(self, method, path=None, params=None, data=None, **kwargs):
        iterator = kwargs.pop('iterator', False)

        if iterator:
            return PaginatedResponse(path, params, self)
            resp = self._make_request(method, path, params, data, **kwargs)
            resp = convert_response_data_type(resp,
            return resp

class CivisAsyncResultBase(futures.Future):
    """A base class for tracking asynchronous results.

    Sub-classes needs to call either the `set_result` method to set a result
    when it finishes or call `set_exception` if there is an error.

    The `_result` attribute can also be set to change the current state of
    the result. The `_result_` object needs to be set to an object with a
    ``state`` attribute. Alternatively the `_check_result` method can be
    overwritten to change how the state of the object is returned.

    poller : func
        A function which returns an object that has a ``state`` attribute.
    poller_args : tuple
        The arguments with which to call the poller function.
    polling_interval : int or float
        The number of seconds between API requests to check whether a result
        is ready.
    api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional
        Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`
        environment variable will be used.
    client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional
        If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be
        created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`.
    poll_on_creation : bool, optional
        If ``True`` (the default), it will poll upon calling ``result()`` the
        first time. If ``False``, it will wait the number of seconds specified
        in `polling_interval` from object creation before polling.
    def __init__(self, poller, poller_args,
                 polling_interval=None, api_key=None, client=None,
        self.poller = poller
        self.poller_args = poller_args
        self.polling_interval = polling_interval
        if api_key is not None:
            warnings.warn('The "api_key" parameter is deprecated and will be '
                          'removed in v2. Please use the `client` parameter '
                          'instead.', FutureWarning)
        self.client = client
        self.poll_on_creation = poll_on_creation

    def __repr__(self):
        # Almost the same as the superclass's __repr__, except we use
        # the `_civis_state` rather than the `_state`.
        with self._condition:
            if self._civis_state in FINISHED + FAILED:
                if self.exception():
                    return '<%s at %#x state=%s raised %s>' % (
                    return '<%s at %#x state=%s returned %s>' % (
            out = '<%s at %#x state=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
            return out

    def cancel(self):
        """Not currently implemented."""
        raise NotImplementedError("Running jobs cannot currently be cancelled")

    def succeeded(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the job completed in Civis with no error."""
        with self._condition:
            return self._civis_state in FINISHED

    def failed(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the Civis job failed."""
        with self._condition:
            return self._civis_state in FAILED

    def _check_result(self):
        with self._condition:
            if self._result is not None:
                return self._result

    def _civis_state(self):
        """State as returned from Civis."""
        with self._condition:
            if self._check_result():
                return self._check_result().state
            return 'running'

    def _state(self):
        """State of the CivisAsyncResultBase in `future` language."""
        with self._condition:
            return STATE_TRANS[self._civis_state]

    def _state(self, value):
        # Ignore attempts to set the _state from the `Future` superclass