Source code for

from collections import OrderedDict
import io
from functools import partial
import json
import logging
import math
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
import os
import re
import shutil
import six
import requests
from requests import HTTPError

from civis import APIClient, find_one
from civis.base import CivisAPIError, EmptyResultError
from civis.compat import FileNotFoundError, TemporaryDirectory
from civis._deprecation import deprecate_param
from civis._utils import BufferedPartialReader, retry

    import pandas as pd
    HAS_PANDAS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_PANDAS = False

MIN_MULTIPART_SIZE = 50 * 2 ** 20  # 50MB
MIN_PART_SIZE = 5 * 2 ** 20  # 5MB
MAX_PART_SIZE = 5 * 2 ** 30  # 5GB
MAX_FILE_SIZE = 5 * 2 ** 40  # 5TB


log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# standard chunk size; provides good performance across various buffer sizes
CHUNK_SIZE = 32 * 1024
__all__ = ['file_to_civis', 'civis_to_file', 'file_id_from_run_output',
           'file_to_dataframe', 'file_to_json']

def _get_aws_error_message(response):
    # Amazon gives back informative error messages
    # NOTE: This is cribbed from response.raise_for_status with AWS
    # message appended
    msg = ''

    if 400 <= response.status_code < 500:
        msg = '%s Client Error: %s for url: %s' % (response.status_code,

    elif 500 <= response.status_code < 600:
        msg = '%s Server Error: %s for url: %s' % (response.status_code,

    msg += '\nAWS Content: %s' % response.content

    return msg

def _buf_len(buf):
    if hasattr(buf, '__len__'):
        return len(buf)

    if hasattr(buf, 'len'):
        return buf.len

    if hasattr(buf, 'fileno'):
            fileno = buf.fileno()
        except io.UnsupportedOperation:
            return os.fstat(fileno).st_size

    if hasattr(buf, 'getvalue'):
        # e.g. BytesIO, cStringIO.StringIO
        return len(buf.getvalue())

    return None

def _single_upload(buf, name, client, **kwargs):
    file_response =, **kwargs)

    # Platform has given us a URL to which we can upload a file.
    # The file must be uploaded with a POST formatted as per
    # Note that the payload must have "key" first and "file" last.
    url = file_response.upload_url
    form = file_response.upload_fields
    form_key = OrderedDict(key=form.pop('key'))

    # Store the current buffer position in case we need to retry below.
    buf_orig_position = buf.tell()

    def _post():
        # Reset the buffer in case we had to retry.

        form_key['file'] = buf
        # requests will not stream multipart/form-data, but _single_upload
        # is only used for small file objects or non-seekable file objects
        # which can't be streamed with using requests-toolbelt anyway
        response =, files=form_key)

        if not response.ok:
            msg = _get_aws_error_message(response)
            raise HTTPError(msg, response=response)



def _multipart_upload(buf, name, file_size, client, **kwargs):
    # scale the part size based on file size
    part_size = max(int(math.sqrt(MIN_PART_SIZE) * math.sqrt(file_size)),
    num_parts = int(math.ceil((file_size) / float(part_size)))

    log.debug('Uploading file with %s bytes using %s file parts with a part '
              'size of %s bytes', file_size, num_parts, part_size)
    file_response = client.files.post_multipart(name=name, num_parts=num_parts,

    # Platform will give us a URL for each file part
    urls = file_response.upload_urls
    assert num_parts == len(urls), \
        "There are {} file parts but only {} urls".format(num_parts, len(urls))

    # upload function wrapped with a retry decorator
    def _upload_part_base(item, file_path, part_size, file_size):
        part_num, part_url = item[0], item[1]
        offset = part_size * part_num
        num_bytes = min(part_size, file_size - offset)

        log.debug('Uploading file part %s', part_num)
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as fin:
            partial_buf = BufferedPartialReader(fin, num_bytes)
            part_response = requests.put(part_url, data=partial_buf)

        if not part_response.ok:
            msg = _get_aws_error_message(part_response)
            raise HTTPError(msg, response=part_response)

        log.debug('Completed upload of file part %s', part_num)

    # upload each part
        pool = Pool(MAX_THREADS)
        _upload_part = partial(_upload_part_base,,
                               part_size=part_size, file_size=file_size), enumerate(urls))

    # complete the multipart upload; an abort will be triggered
    # if any part except the last failed to upload at least 5MB


[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key') def file_to_civis(buf, name, api_key=None, client=None, **kwargs): """Upload a file to Civis. Parameters ---------- buf : file-like object or str The file or other buffer that you wish to upload. Strings will be treated as paths to local files to open. name : str The name you wish to give the file. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. **kwargs : kwargs Extra keyword arguments will be passed to the file creation endpoint. See :func:``. Returns ------- file_id : int The new Civis file ID. Examples -------- >>> # Upload file at a given path on the local filesystem. >>> file_id = file_to_civis("my_data.csv", 'my_data') >>> # Upload file which expires in 30 days >>> with open("my_data.csv", "r") as f: ... file_id = file_to_civis(f, 'my_data') >>> # Upload file which never expires >>> with open("my_data.csv", "r") as f: ... file_id = file_to_civis(f, 'my_data', expires_at=None) Notes ----- If you are opening a binary file (e.g., a compressed archive) to pass to this function, do so using the ``'rb'`` (read binary) mode (e.g., ``open('', 'rb')``). Warning: If the file-like object is seekable, the current position will be reset to 0. This facilitates retries and is used to chunk files for multipart uploads for improved performance. Small or non-seekable file-like objects will be uploaded with a single post. """ if isinstance(buf, six.string_types): with open(buf, 'rb') as f: return _file_to_civis( f, name, api_key=api_key, client=client, **kwargs) # we should only pass _file_to_civis a file-like object that is # on disk, seekable and at position 0 if not isinstance(buf, (io.BufferedReader, io.TextIOWrapper)) or \ buf.tell() != 0: # determine mode for writing mode = 'w' if isinstance(, six.binary_type): mode += 'b' with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'file_to_civis.csv') with open(tmp_path, mode) as fout: shutil.copyfileobj(buf, fout, CHUNK_SIZE) with open(tmp_path, 'rb') as fin: return _file_to_civis( fin, name, api_key=api_key, client=client, **kwargs) else: return _file_to_civis( buf, name, api_key=api_key, client=client, **kwargs)
def _file_to_civis(buf, name, api_key=None, client=None, **kwargs): if client is None: client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) file_size = _buf_len(buf) if not file_size: log.warning('Could not determine file size; defaulting to ' 'single post. Files over 5GB will fail.') if not file_size or file_size <= MIN_MULTIPART_SIZE: return _single_upload(buf, name, client, **kwargs) elif file_size > MAX_FILE_SIZE: msg = "File is greater than the maximum allowable file size (5TB)" raise ValueError(msg) else: return _multipart_upload(buf, name, file_size, client, **kwargs)
[docs]@deprecate_param('v2.0.0', 'api_key') def civis_to_file(file_id, buf, api_key=None, client=None): """Download a file from Civis. Parameters ---------- file_id : int The Civis file ID. buf : file-like object or str A buffer or path specifying where to write the contents of the Civis file. Strings will be treated as paths to local files to open. api_key : DEPRECATED str, optional Your Civis API key. If not given, the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY` environment variable will be used. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> file_id = 100 >>> # Download a file to a path on the local filesystem. >>> civis_to_file(file_id, "my_file.txt") >>> # Download a file to a file object. >>> with open("my_file.txt", "wb") as f: ... civis_to_file(file_id, f) >>> # Download a file as a bytes object. >>> import io >>> buf = io.BytesIO() >>> civis_to_file(file_id, buf) >>> # Note that s could be converted to a string with s.decode('utf-8'). >>> s = """ if isinstance(buf, six.string_types): with open(buf, 'wb') as f: _civis_to_file(file_id, f, api_key=api_key, client=client) else: _civis_to_file(file_id, buf, api_key=api_key, client=client) buf.flush()
def _civis_to_file(file_id, buf, api_key=None, client=None): if client is None: client = APIClient(api_key=api_key) files_response = client.files.get(file_id) url = files_response.file_url if not url: raise EmptyResultError('Unable to locate file {}. If it previously ' 'existed, it may have ' 'expired.'.format(file_id)) # Store the current buffer position in case we need to retry below. buf_orig_position = buf.tell() @retry(RETRY_EXCEPTIONS) def _download_url_to_buf(): # Reset the buffer in case we had to retry. response = requests.get(url, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() chunked = response.iter_content(CHUNK_SIZE) for lines in chunked: buf.write(lines) _download_url_to_buf()
[docs]def file_id_from_run_output(name, job_id, run_id, regex=False, client=None): """Find the file ID of a File run output with the name "name" The run output is required to have type "File". If using an approximate match and multiple names match the provided string, return only the first file ID. Parameters ---------- name : str The "name" field of the run output you wish to retrieve job_id : int run_id : int regex : bool, optional If False (the default), require an exact string match between ``name`` and the name of the run output. If True, search for a name which matches the regular expression ``name`` and retrieve the first found. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. Returns ------- file_id : int The ID of a Civis File with name matching ``name`` Raises ------ IOError If the provided job ID and run ID combination can't be found FileNotFoundError If the run exists, but ``name`` isn't in its run outputs See Also -------- APIClient.scripts.list_containers.runs_outputs """ client = APIClient() if client is None else client # Retrieve run outputs try: outputs = client.scripts.list_containers_runs_outputs(job_id, run_id) except CivisAPIError as err: if err.status_code == 404: six.raise_from(IOError('Could not find job/run ID {}/{}' .format(job_id, run_id)), err) else: raise # Find file in the run outputs. if not regex: # Require an exact match on the "name" string. obj = find_one(outputs, name=name, object_type='File') else: # Search for a filename which contains the "name" string obj_matches = [o for o in outputs if, and o.object_type == 'File'] if len(obj_matches) > 1: log.warning('Found %s matches to "%s". Returning the first.', len(obj_matches), name) obj = None if not obj_matches else obj_matches[0] if obj is None: prefix = "A file containing the pattern" if regex else "File" raise FileNotFoundError('{} "{}" is not an output of job/run ID ' '{}/{}.'.format(prefix, name, job_id, run_id)) return obj['object_id']
[docs]def file_to_dataframe(file_id, compression='infer', client=None, **read_kwargs): """Load a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` from a CSV stored in a Civis File The :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` will be read directly from Civis without copying the CSV to a local file on disk. Parameters ---------- file_id : int ID of a Civis File which contains a CSV compression : str, optional If "infer", set the ``compression`` argument of ``pandas.read_csv`` based on the file extension of the name of the Civis File. Otherwise pass this argument to ``pandas.read_csv``. client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. **read_kwargs Additional arguments will be passed directly to :func:`~pandas.read_csv`. Returns ------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` containing the contents of the CSV Raises ------ ImportError If ``pandas`` is not available See Also -------- pandas.read_csv """ if not HAS_PANDAS: raise ImportError('file_to_dataframe requires pandas to be installed.') client = APIClient() if client is None else client file_info = client.files.get(file_id) file_url = file_info.file_url file_name = if compression == 'infer': comp_exts = {'.gz': 'gzip', '.xz': 'xz', '.bz2': 'bz2', '.zip': 'zip'} ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1] if ext in comp_exts: compression = comp_exts[ext] return pd.read_csv(file_url, compression=compression, **read_kwargs)
[docs]def file_to_json(file_id, client=None, **json_kwargs): """Restore JSON stored in a Civis File Parameters ---------- file_id : int ID of a JSON-formatted Civis File client : :class:`civis.APIClient`, optional If not provided, an :class:`civis.APIClient` object will be created from the :envvar:`CIVIS_API_KEY`. **json_kwargs Additional keyword arguments will be passed directly to :func:`json.load`. Returns ------- The object extracted from the JSON-formatted file See Also -------- :func:`civis_to_file` :func:`json.load` """ buf = io.BytesIO() civis_to_file(file_id, buf, client=client) txt = io.TextIOWrapper(buf, encoding='utf-8') return json.load(txt, **json_kwargs)