- class Credentials(session_kwargs, client, return_type='raw')
(id)Delete a credential
(id, group_id)Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
(id, user_id)Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
(id)Get a credential
(*[, type, remote_host_id, default, ...])List credentials
(id, *[, user_id])List dependent objects for this object
(id)List users and groups permissioned on this object
Get list of Credential Types
(id, *[, name, type, description, ...])Update some attributes of a credential
(type, username, password, *[, name, ...])Create a credential
(url, remote_host_type, ...)Authenticate against a remote host
(id, *[, duration])Generate a temporary credential for accessing S3
(id, type, username, password, *[, name, ...])Update an existing credential
(id, group_ids, ...[, ...])Set the permissions groups has on this object
(id, user_ids, ...[, ...])Set the permissions users have on this object
(id, user_id, ...[, email_body, ...])Transfer ownership of this object to another user
>>> import civis >>> client = civis.APIClient() >>> client.credentials.list_types(...)
- delete(id: int)
Delete a credential
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idint
The ID of the group.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
The ID of the user.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
- get(id: int)
Get a credential
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- namestr
The name identifying the credential
- typestr
The credential’s type.
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- descriptionstr
A long description of the credential.
- ownerstr
The username of the user who this credential belongs to. Using user.username is preferred.
- userdict
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- remote_host_idint
The ID of the remote host associated with this credential.
- remote_host_namestr
The name of the remote host associated with this credential.
- statestr
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this credential.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last modification time for this credential.
- defaultbool
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- list(*, type: str = None, remote_host_id: int = None, default: bool = None, system_credentials: bool = None, users: str = None, name: str = None, limit: int = None, page_num: int = None, order: str = None, order_dir: str = None, iterator: bool = None)
List credentials
- Parameters:
- typestr, optional
The type (or types) of credentials to return. One or more of: Amazon Web Services S3, Bitbucket, CASS/NCOA PAF, Certificate, Civis Platform, Custom, Database, Google, Github, Salesforce User, Salesforce Client, and TableauUser. Specify multiple values as a comma-separated list (e.g., “A,B”).
- remote_host_idint, optional
The ID of the remote host associated with the credentials to return.
- defaultbool, optional
If true, will return a list with a single credential which is the current user’s default credential.
- system_credentialsbool, optional
If true, will only return system credentials. System credentials can only be created and viewed by Civis Admins.
- usersstr, optional
A comma-separated list of user ids. If specified, returns set of credentials owned by the users that requesting user has at least read access on.
- namestr, optional
If specified, will be used to filter the credentials returned. Will search across name and will return any full name containing the search string.
- limitint, optional
Number of results to return. Defaults to its maximum of 1000.
- page_numint, optional
Page number of the results to return. Defaults to the first page, 1.
- orderstr, optional
The field on which to order the result set. Defaults to updated_at. Must be one of: updated_at, created_at, name.
- order_dirstr, optional
Direction in which to sort, either asc (ascending) or desc (descending) defaulting to desc.
- iteratorbool, optional
If True, return a generator to iterate over all responses. Use when more results than the maximum allowed by limit are needed. When True, limit and page_num are ignored. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- namestr
The name identifying the credential
- typestr
The credential’s type.
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- descriptionstr
A long description of the credential.
- ownerstr
The username of the user who this credential belongs to. Using user.username is preferred.
- userdict
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- remote_host_idint
The ID of the remote host associated with this credential.
- remote_host_namestr
The name of the remote host associated with this credential.
- statestr
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this credential.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last modification time for this credential.
- defaultbool
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- list_dependencies(id: int, *, user_id: int = None)
List dependent objects for this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint, optional
ID of target user
- Returns:
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- shareablebool
Whether or not the requesting user can share this object.
List users and groups permissioned on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- Returns:
- readersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- writersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- ownersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
- list_types()
Get list of Credential Types
- Returns:
- typesList[str]
list of acceptable credential types
- patch(id: int, *, name: str = None, type: str = None, description: str = None, username: str = None, password: str = None, remote_host_id: int = None, user_id: int = None, state: str = None, system_credential: bool = None, default: bool = None, oauth: bool = None)
Update some attributes of a credential
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- namestr, optional
The name identifying the credential.
- typestr, optional
The type of credential. Note: only these credentials can be created or edited via this API [“Amazon Web Services S3”, “CASS/NCOA PAF”, “Certificate”, “Civis Platform”, “Custom”, “Database”, “Google”, “Salesforce User”, “Salesforce Client”, “TableauUser”]
- descriptionstr, optional
A long description of the credential.
- usernamestr, optional
The username for the credential.
- passwordstr, optional
The password for the credential.
- remote_host_idint, optional
The ID of the remote host associated with the credential.
- user_idint, optional
The ID of the user the credential is created for. Note: This attribute is only accepted if you are a Civis Admin User.
- statestr, optional
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- system_credentialbool, optional
Boolean flag that sets a credential to be a system credential. System credentials can only be created by Civis Admins and will create a credential owned by the Civis Robot user.
- defaultbool, optional
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool, optional
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- namestr
The name identifying the credential
- typestr
The credential’s type.
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- descriptionstr
A long description of the credential.
- ownerstr
The username of the user who this credential belongs to. Using user.username is preferred.
- userdict
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- remote_host_idint
The ID of the remote host associated with this credential.
- remote_host_namestr
The name of the remote host associated with this credential.
- statestr
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this credential.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last modification time for this credential.
- defaultbool
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- post(type: str, username: str, password: str, *, name: str = None, description: str = None, remote_host_id: int = None, user_id: int = None, state: str = None, system_credential: bool = None, default: bool = None, oauth: bool = None)
Create a credential
- Parameters:
- typestr
The type of credential. Note: only these credentials can be created or edited via this API [“Amazon Web Services S3”, “CASS/NCOA PAF”, “Certificate”, “Civis Platform”, “Custom”, “Database”, “Google”, “Salesforce User”, “Salesforce Client”, “TableauUser”]
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- passwordstr
The password for the credential.
- namestr, optional
The name identifying the credential.
- descriptionstr, optional
A long description of the credential.
- remote_host_idint, optional
The ID of the remote host associated with the credential.
- user_idint, optional
The ID of the user the credential is created for. Note: This attribute is only accepted if you are a Civis Admin User.
- statestr, optional
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- system_credentialbool, optional
Boolean flag that sets a credential to be a system credential. System credentials can only be created by Civis Admins and will create a credential owned by the Civis Robot user.
- defaultbool, optional
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool, optional
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- namestr
The name identifying the credential
- typestr
The credential’s type.
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- descriptionstr
A long description of the credential.
- ownerstr
The username of the user who this credential belongs to. Using user.username is preferred.
- userdict
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- remote_host_idint
The ID of the remote host associated with this credential.
- remote_host_namestr
The name of the remote host associated with this credential.
- statestr
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this credential.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last modification time for this credential.
- defaultbool
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- post_authenticate(url: str, remote_host_type: str, username: str, password: str)
Authenticate against a remote host
- Parameters:
- urlstr
The URL to your host.
- remote_host_typestr
The type of remote host. One of: RemoteHostTypes::Bigquery, RemoteHostTypes::Bitbucket, RemoteHostTypes::GitSSH, RemoteHostTypes::Github, RemoteHostTypes::GoogleDoc, RemoteHostTypes::JDBC, RemoteHostTypes::Postgres, RemoteHostTypes::Redshift, RemoteHostTypes::S3Storage, and RemoteHostTypes::Salesforce
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- passwordstr
The password for the credential.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- namestr
The name identifying the credential
- typestr
The credential’s type.
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- descriptionstr
A long description of the credential.
- ownerstr
The username of the user who this credential belongs to. Using user.username is preferred.
- userdict
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- remote_host_idint
The ID of the remote host associated with this credential.
- remote_host_namestr
The name of the remote host associated with this credential.
- statestr
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this credential.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last modification time for this credential.
- defaultbool
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- post_temporary(id: int, *, duration: int = None)
Generate a temporary credential for accessing S3
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- durationint, optional
The number of seconds the temporary credential should be valid. Defaults to 15 minutes. Must not be less than 15 minutes or greater than 36 hours.
- Returns:
- access_keystr
The identifier of the credential.
- secret_access_keystr
The secret part of the credential.
- session_tokenstr
The session token identifier.
- put(id: int, type: str, username: str, password: str, *, name: str = None, description: str = None, remote_host_id: int = None, user_id: int = None, state: str = None, system_credential: bool = None, default: bool = None, oauth: bool = None)
Update an existing credential
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- typestr
The type of credential. Note: only these credentials can be created or edited via this API [“Amazon Web Services S3”, “CASS/NCOA PAF”, “Certificate”, “Civis Platform”, “Custom”, “Database”, “Google”, “Salesforce User”, “Salesforce Client”, “TableauUser”]
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- passwordstr
The password for the credential.
- namestr, optional
The name identifying the credential.
- descriptionstr, optional
A long description of the credential.
- remote_host_idint, optional
The ID of the remote host associated with the credential.
- user_idint, optional
The ID of the user the credential is created for. Note: This attribute is only accepted if you are a Civis Admin User.
- statestr, optional
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- system_credentialbool, optional
Boolean flag that sets a credential to be a system credential. System credentials can only be created by Civis Admins and will create a credential owned by the Civis Robot user.
- defaultbool, optional
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool, optional
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of the credential.
- namestr
The name identifying the credential
- typestr
The credential’s type.
- usernamestr
The username for the credential.
- descriptionstr
A long description of the credential.
- ownerstr
The username of the user who this credential belongs to. Using user.username is preferred.
- userdict
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- remote_host_idint
The ID of the remote host associated with this credential.
- remote_host_namestr
The name of the remote host associated with this credential.
- statestr
The U.S. state for the credential. Only for VAN credentials.
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this credential.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last modification time for this credential.
- defaultbool
Whether or not the credential is a default. Only for Database credentials.
- oauthbool
Whether or not the credential is an OAuth credential.
Set the permissions groups has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idsList[int]
An array of one or more group IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- writersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- ownersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
Set the permissions users have on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idsList[int]
An array of one or more user IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- writersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- ownersdict
- usersList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- groupsList[dict]
id : int
name : str
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
- put_transfer(id: int, user_id: int, include_dependencies: bool, *, email_body: str = None, send_email: bool = None)
Transfer ownership of this object to another user
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
ID of target user
- include_dependenciesbool
Whether or not to give manage permissions on all dependencies
- email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on transfer.
- send_emailbool, optional
Send email to the target user of the transfer?
- Returns:
- dependenciesList[dict]
Dependent objects for this object
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- sharedbool
Whether dependent object was successfully shared with target user