- class Announcements(session_kwargs, client, return_type='raw')
>>> import civis >>> client = civis.APIClient() >>> client.announcements.list(...)
(*[, limit, page_num, order, order_dir, ...])List announcements
- list(*, limit: int = None, page_num: int = None, order: str = None, order_dir: str = None, iterator: bool = None)
List announcements
- Parameters:
- limitint, optional
Number of results to return. Defaults to 10. Maximum allowed is 50.
- page_numint, optional
Page number of the results to return. Defaults to the first page, 1.
- orderstr, optional
The field on which to order the result set. Defaults to released_at. Must be one of: released_at.
- order_dirstr, optional
Direction in which to sort, either asc (ascending) or desc (descending) defaulting to desc.
- iteratorbool, optional
If True, return a generator to iterate over all responses. Use when more results than the maximum allowed by limit are needed. When True, limit and page_num are ignored. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this announcement
- subjectstr
The subject of this announcement.
- bodystr
The body of this announcement.
- released_atstr (date-time)
The date and time this announcement was released.
created_at : str (date-time)
updated_at : str (date-time)