- class Reports(session_kwargs, client, return_type='raw')
(id)Revoke permission for this report to perform Civis platform API operations on your behalf
(id, project_id)Remove a Report from a project
(id, project_id)Remove a Service Report from a project
(id, group_id)Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
(id, user_id)Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
(id, group_id)Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
(id, user_id)Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
(id, project_id)Remove a SQL Report from a project
(id, group_id)Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
(id, user_id)Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
(id)Get a single report
(id, commit_hash)Get file contents at git ref
(id)Get a single service report
(id)Get a single SQL report
(*[, type, template_id, author, hidden, ...])List Reports
(id, *[, user_id])List dependent objects for this object
(id)Get the git metadata attached to an item
(id)Get the git commits for an item on the current branch
(id, *[, hidden])List the projects a Report belongs to
(id, *[, user_id])List dependent objects for this object
(id, *[, hidden])List the projects a Service Report belongs to
List users and groups permissioned on this object
(id)List users and groups permissioned on this object
(id, *[, user_id])List dependent objects for this object
(id, *[, hidden])List the projects a SQL Report belongs to
(id)List users and groups permissioned on this object
(id, *[, name, script_id, code_body, ...])Update a report
(id, *[, git_ref, git_branch, ...])Update an attached git file
(id, *[, name, provide_api_key])Update some attributes of this service report
(id, *[, query_id, name, config, ...])Update a SQL report
(*[, script_id, name, code_body, ...])Create an HTML report
(id, content, message, file_hash)Commit and push a new version of the file
(id)Grant this report the ability to perform Civis platform API operations on your behalf
(id)Refresh the data in this Tableau report
(service_id, *[, provide_api_key])Create a service report
(query_id, name, config, *[, ...])Create a SQL report
(id)Refresh the data in a SQL report
(id, status)Update the archive status of this object
(id, *[, git_ref, git_branch, ...])Attach an item to a file in a git repo
(id, project_id)Add a Report to a project
(id, status)Update the archive status of this object
(id, project_id)Add a Service Report to a project
(id, group_ids, ...)Set the permissions groups has on this object
(id, user_ids, ...)Set the permissions users have on this object
(id, user_id, ...[, ...])Transfer ownership of this object to another user
(id, group_ids, ...[, ...])Set the permissions groups has on this object
(id, user_ids, ...[, ...])Set the permissions users have on this object
(id, status)Update the archive status of this object
(id, project_id)Add a SQL Report to a project
(id, group_ids, ...[, ...])Set the permissions groups has on this object
(id, user_ids, ...[, ...])Set the permissions users have on this object
(id, user_id, ...[, ...])Transfer ownership of this object to another user
(id, user_id, ...[, email_body, ...])Transfer ownership of this object to another user
>>> import civis >>> client = civis.APIClient() >>> client.reports.list(...)
- delete_grants(id: int) Response
Revoke permission for this report to perform Civis platform API operations on your behalf
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
- delete_projects(id: int, project_id: int) Response
Remove a Report from a project
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the Report.
- project_idint
The ID of the project.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
- delete_services_projects(id: int, project_id: int) Response
Remove a Service Report from a project
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the Service Report.
- project_idint
The ID of the project.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idint
The ID of the group.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
The ID of the user.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idint
The ID of the group.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
The ID of the user.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
- delete_sql_projects(id: int, project_id: int) Response
Remove a SQL Report from a project
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the SQL Report.
- project_idint
The ID of the project.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a group has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idint
The ID of the group.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Revoke the permissions a user has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
The ID of the user.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
- get(id: int) Response
Get a single report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- projectsList[
] A list of projects containing the report.
- idint
The ID for the project.
- namestr
The name of the project.
- projectsList[
- statestr
The status of the report’s last run.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s last run finished.
- viz_updated_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s visualization was last updated.
- script
- idint
The ID for the script.
- namestr
The name of the script.
- sqlstr
The raw SQL query for the script, if applicable.
- script
- job_pathstr
The link to details of the job that backs this report.
tableau_id : int
- template_idint
The ID of the template used for this report.
- auth_thumbnail_urlstr
URL for a thumbnail of the report.
- last_run
id : int
state : str
- created_atstr (time)
The time that the run was queued.
- started_atstr (time)
The time that the run started.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the run completed.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- last_run
- hiddenbool
The hidden status of the item.
- auth_data_urlstr
DEPRECATED: For legacy reports
- auth_code_urlstr
Link to code to render in the report.
- configstr
Any configuration metadata for this report.
- valid_output_filebool
Whether the job (a script or a query) that backs the report currently has a valid output file.
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- app_state
Any application state blob for this report.
- app_state
- use_viewers_tableau_usernamebool
Apply user level filtering on Tableau reports.
- get_git_commits(id: int, commit_hash: str) Response
Get file contents at git ref
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the item.
- commit_hashstr
The SHA (full or shortened) of the desired git commit.
- Returns:
- contentstr
The file’s contents.
- typestr
The file’s type.
- sizeint
The file’s size.
- file_hashstr
The SHA of the file.
- get_services(id: int) Response
Get a single service report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- hoststr
The host for the service report
- display_urlstr
The URL to display the service report.
- service_idint
The id of the backing service
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- get_sql(id: int) Response
Get a single SQL report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- configstr
The configuration of the report visualization.
- query
- idint
The query ID.
- databaseint
The database ID.
- sqlstr
The SQL to execute.
- credentialint
The credential ID.
- result_rowsList[List]
A preview of rows returned by the query.
- result_columnsList[str]
A preview of columns returned by the query.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- started_atstr (date-time)
The start time of the last run.
- finished_atstr (date-time)
The end time of the last run.
- statestr
The state of the last run. One of queued, running, succeeded, failed, and cancelled.
- running_as
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- running_as
- query
- list(*, type: str = None, template_id: int = None, author: str = None, hidden: bool = None, archived: str = None, limit: int = None, page_num: int = None, order: str = None, order_dir: str = None, iterator: bool = None) list[Response] | PaginatedResponse
List Reports
- Parameters:
- typestr, optional
If specified, return report of these types. It accepts a comma-separated list, possible values are ‘tableau’ or ‘other’.
- template_idint, optional
If specified, return reports using the provided Template.
- authorstr, optional
If specified, return items from any of these authors. It accepts a comma- separated list of user IDs.
- hiddenbool, optional
If specified to be true, returns hidden items. Defaults to false, returning non-hidden items.
- archivedstr, optional
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- limitint, optional
Number of results to return. Defaults to 20. Maximum allowed is 50.
- page_numint, optional
Page number of the results to return. Defaults to the first page, 1.
- orderstr, optional
The field on which to order the result set. Defaults to updated_at. Must be one of: updated_at, name, created_at.
- order_dirstr, optional
Direction in which to sort, either asc (ascending) or desc (descending) defaulting to desc.
- iteratorbool, optional
If True, return a generator (specifically, a
object) to iterate over all responses. Use it when more results than the maximum allowed by ‘limit’ are needed. When True, ‘page_num’ is ignored. If False, return a list ofcivis.Response
objects, whose size is determined by ‘limit’. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- projectsList[
] A list of projects containing the report.
- idint
The ID for the project.
- namestr
The name of the project.
- projectsList[
- statestr
The status of the report’s last run.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s last run finished.
- viz_updated_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s visualization was last updated.
- script
- idint
The ID for the script.
- namestr
The name of the script.
- sqlstr
The raw SQL query for the script, if applicable.
- script
- job_pathstr
The link to details of the job that backs this report.
tableau_id : int
- template_idint
The ID of the template used for this report.
- auth_thumbnail_urlstr
URL for a thumbnail of the report.
- last_run
id : int
state : str
- created_atstr (time)
The time that the run was queued.
- started_atstr (time)
The time that the run started.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the run completed.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- last_run
- list_dependencies(id: int, *, user_id: int = None) Response
List dependent objects for this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint, optional
ID of target user
- Returns:
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- shareablebool
Whether or not the requesting user can share this object.
- list_git(id: int) Response
Get the git metadata attached to an item
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the item.
- Returns:
- git_refstr
A git reference specifying an unambiguous version of the file. Can be a branch name, tag or the full or shortened SHA of a commit.
- git_branchstr
The git branch that the file is on.
- git_pathstr
The path of the file in the repository.
- git_repo
- idint
The ID for this git repository.
- repo_urlstr
The URL for this git repository.
created_at : str (time)
updated_at : str (time)
- git_repo
- git_ref_typestr
Specifies if the file is versioned by branch or tag.
- pull_from_gitbool
Automatically pull latest commit from git. Only works for scripts and workflows (assuming you have the feature enabled)
- list_git_commits(id: int) Response
Get the git commits for an item on the current branch
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the item.
- Returns:
- commit_hashstr
The SHA of the commit.
- author_namestr
The name of the commit’s author.
- datestr (time)
The commit’s timestamp.
- messagestr
The commit message.
- list_projects(id: int, *, hidden: bool = None) Response
List the projects a Report belongs to
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the Report.
- hiddenbool, optional
If specified to be true, returns hidden items. Defaults to false, returning non-hidden items.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID for this project.
- author
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- author
- namestr
The name of this project.
- descriptionstr
A description of the project.
- usersList[
] Users who can see the project.
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- usersList[
auto_share : bool
created_at : str (time)
updated_at : str (time)
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- list_services_dependencies(id: int, *, user_id: int = None) Response
List dependent objects for this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint, optional
ID of target user
- Returns:
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- shareablebool
Whether or not the requesting user can share this object.
- list_services_projects(id: int, *, hidden: bool = None) Response
List the projects a Service Report belongs to
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the Service Report.
- hiddenbool, optional
If specified to be true, returns hidden items. Defaults to false, returning non-hidden items.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID for this project.
- author
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- author
- namestr
The name of this project.
- descriptionstr
A description of the project.
- usersList[
] Users who can see the project.
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- usersList[
auto_share : bool
created_at : str (time)
updated_at : str (time)
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
List users and groups permissioned on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
List users and groups permissioned on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
- list_sql_dependencies(id: int, *, user_id: int = None) Response
List dependent objects for this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint, optional
ID of target user
- Returns:
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- shareablebool
Whether or not the requesting user can share this object.
- list_sql_projects(id: int, *, hidden: bool = None) Response
List the projects a SQL Report belongs to
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the SQL Report.
- hiddenbool, optional
If specified to be true, returns hidden items. Defaults to false, returning non-hidden items.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID for this project.
- author
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- author
- namestr
The name of this project.
- descriptionstr
A description of the project.
- usersList[
] Users who can see the project.
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- usersList[
auto_share : bool
created_at : str (time)
updated_at : str (time)
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
List users and groups permissioned on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
- patch(id: int, *, name: str = None, script_id: int = None, code_body: str = None, config: str = None, app_state: dict = None, provide_api_key: bool = None, template_id: int = None, use_viewers_tableau_username: bool = None, description: str = None) Response
Update a report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the report to modify.
- namestr, optional
The name of the report.
- script_idint, optional
The ID of the job (a script or a query) used to create this report.
- code_bodystr, optional
The code for the report visualization.
- configstr, optional
- app_statedict, optional
The application state blob for this report.
- provide_api_keybool, optional
Allow the report to provide an API key to front-end code.
- template_idint, optional
The ID of the template used for this report. If null is passed, no template will back this report. Changes to the backing template will reset the report appState.
- use_viewers_tableau_usernamebool, optional
Apply user level filtering on Tableau reports.
- descriptionstr, optional
The user-defined description of the report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- projectsList[
] A list of projects containing the report.
- idint
The ID for the project.
- namestr
The name of the project.
- projectsList[
- statestr
The status of the report’s last run.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s last run finished.
- viz_updated_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s visualization was last updated.
- script
- idint
The ID for the script.
- namestr
The name of the script.
- sqlstr
The raw SQL query for the script, if applicable.
- script
- job_pathstr
The link to details of the job that backs this report.
tableau_id : int
- template_idint
The ID of the template used for this report.
- auth_thumbnail_urlstr
URL for a thumbnail of the report.
- last_run
id : int
state : str
- created_atstr (time)
The time that the run was queued.
- started_atstr (time)
The time that the run started.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the run completed.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- last_run
- hiddenbool
The hidden status of the item.
- auth_data_urlstr
DEPRECATED: For legacy reports
- auth_code_urlstr
Link to code to render in the report.
- configstr
Any configuration metadata for this report.
- valid_output_filebool
Whether the job (a script or a query) that backs the report currently has a valid output file.
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- app_state
Any application state blob for this report.
- app_state
- use_viewers_tableau_usernamebool
Apply user level filtering on Tableau reports.
- patch_git(id: int, *, git_ref: str = None, git_branch: str = None, git_path: str = None, git_repo_url: str = None, git_ref_type: str = None, pull_from_git: bool = None) Response
Update an attached git file
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the item.
- git_refstr, optional
A git reference specifying an unambiguous version of the file. Can be a branch name, or the full or shortened SHA of a commit.
- git_branchstr, optional
The git branch that the file is on.
- git_pathstr, optional
The path of the file in the repository.
- git_repo_urlstr, optional
The URL of the git repository (e.g.,
- git_ref_typestr, optional
Specifies if the file is versioned by branch or tag.
- pull_from_gitbool, optional
Automatically pull latest commit from git. Only works for scripts.
- Returns:
- git_refstr
A git reference specifying an unambiguous version of the file. Can be a branch name, tag or the full or shortened SHA of a commit.
- git_branchstr
The git branch that the file is on.
- git_pathstr
The path of the file in the repository.
- git_repo
- idint
The ID for this git repository.
- repo_urlstr
The URL for this git repository.
created_at : str (time)
updated_at : str (time)
- git_repo
- git_ref_typestr
Specifies if the file is versioned by branch or tag.
- pull_from_gitbool
Automatically pull latest commit from git. Only works for scripts and workflows (assuming you have the feature enabled)
- patch_services(id: int, *, name: str = None, provide_api_key: bool = None) Response
Update some attributes of this service report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr, optional
The name of the service report.
- provide_api_keybool, optional
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- hoststr
The host for the service report
- display_urlstr
The URL to display the service report.
- service_idint
The id of the backing service
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- patch_sql(id: int, *, query_id: int = None, name: str = None, config: str = None, description: str = None) Response
Update a SQL report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- query_idint, optional
The ID of the query used to create this report.
- namestr, optional
The name of the report.
- configstr, optional
The configuration of the report visualization.
- descriptionstr, optional
The user-defined description of the report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- configstr
The configuration of the report visualization.
- query
- idint
The query ID.
- databaseint
The database ID.
- sqlstr
The SQL to execute.
- credentialint
The credential ID.
- result_rowsList[List]
A preview of rows returned by the query.
- result_columnsList[str]
A preview of columns returned by the query.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- started_atstr (date-time)
The start time of the last run.
- finished_atstr (date-time)
The end time of the last run.
- statestr
The state of the last run. One of queued, running, succeeded, failed, and cancelled.
- running_as
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- running_as
- query
- post(*, script_id: int = None, name: str = None, code_body: str = None, app_state: dict = None, provide_api_key: bool = None, template_id: int = None, description: str = None, hidden: bool = None) Response
Create an HTML report
- Parameters:
- script_idint, optional
The ID of the job (a script or a query) used to create this report.
- namestr, optional
The name of the report.
- code_bodystr, optional
The code for the report visualization.
- app_statedict, optional
Any application state blob for this report.
- provide_api_keybool, optional
Allow the report to provide an API key to front-end code.
- template_idint, optional
The ID of the template used for this report.
- descriptionstr, optional
The user-defined description of the report.
- hiddenbool, optional
The hidden status of the item.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- projectsList[
] A list of projects containing the report.
- idint
The ID for the project.
- namestr
The name of the project.
- projectsList[
- statestr
The status of the report’s last run.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s last run finished.
- viz_updated_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s visualization was last updated.
- script
- idint
The ID for the script.
- namestr
The name of the script.
- sqlstr
The raw SQL query for the script, if applicable.
- script
- job_pathstr
The link to details of the job that backs this report.
tableau_id : int
- template_idint
The ID of the template used for this report.
- auth_thumbnail_urlstr
URL for a thumbnail of the report.
- last_run
id : int
state : str
- created_atstr (time)
The time that the run was queued.
- started_atstr (time)
The time that the run started.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the run completed.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- last_run
- hiddenbool
The hidden status of the item.
- auth_data_urlstr
DEPRECATED: For legacy reports
- auth_code_urlstr
Link to code to render in the report.
- configstr
Any configuration metadata for this report.
- valid_output_filebool
Whether the job (a script or a query) that backs the report currently has a valid output file.
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- app_state
Any application state blob for this report.
- app_state
- use_viewers_tableau_usernamebool
Apply user level filtering on Tableau reports.
- post_git_commits(id: int, content: str, message: str, file_hash: str) Response
Commit and push a new version of the file
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the item.
- contentstr
The contents to commit to the file.
- messagestr
A commit message describing the changes being made.
- file_hashstr
The full SHA of the file being replaced.
- Returns:
- contentstr
The file’s contents.
- typestr
The file’s type.
- sizeint
The file’s size.
- file_hashstr
The SHA of the file.
- post_grants(id: int) Response
Grant this report the ability to perform Civis platform API operations on your behalf
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- projectsList[
] A list of projects containing the report.
- idint
The ID for the project.
- namestr
The name of the project.
- projectsList[
- statestr
The status of the report’s last run.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s last run finished.
- viz_updated_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s visualization was last updated.
- script
- idint
The ID for the script.
- namestr
The name of the script.
- sqlstr
The raw SQL query for the script, if applicable.
- script
- job_pathstr
The link to details of the job that backs this report.
tableau_id : int
- template_idint
The ID of the template used for this report.
- auth_thumbnail_urlstr
URL for a thumbnail of the report.
- last_run
id : int
state : str
- created_atstr (time)
The time that the run was queued.
- started_atstr (time)
The time that the run started.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the run completed.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- last_run
- hiddenbool
The hidden status of the item.
- auth_data_urlstr
DEPRECATED: For legacy reports
- auth_code_urlstr
Link to code to render in the report.
- configstr
Any configuration metadata for this report.
- valid_output_filebool
Whether the job (a script or a query) that backs the report currently has a valid output file.
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- app_state
Any application state blob for this report.
- app_state
- use_viewers_tableau_usernamebool
Apply user level filtering on Tableau reports.
- post_refresh(id: int) Response
Refresh the data in this Tableau report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- organization
- idint
The ID of this organization.
- tableau_refresh_usageint
The number of tableau refreshes used this month.
- tableau_refresh_limitint
The number of monthly tableau refreshes permitted to this organization.
- tableau_refresh_historyList[
] The number of tableau refreshes used this month.
- tableau_refresh_historyList[
- organization
- post_services(service_id: int, *, provide_api_key: bool = None) Response
Create a service report
- Parameters:
- service_idint
The id of the backing service
- provide_api_keybool, optional
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- hoststr
The host for the service report
- display_urlstr
The URL to display the service report.
- service_idint
The id of the backing service
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- post_sql(query_id: int, name: str, config: str, *, description: str = None) Response
Create a SQL report
- Parameters:
- query_idint
The ID of the query used to create this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- configstr
The configuration of the report visualization.
- descriptionstr, optional
The user-defined description of the report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- configstr
The configuration of the report visualization.
- query
- idint
The query ID.
- databaseint
The database ID.
- sqlstr
The SQL to execute.
- credentialint
The credential ID.
- result_rowsList[List]
A preview of rows returned by the query.
- result_columnsList[str]
A preview of columns returned by the query.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- started_atstr (date-time)
The start time of the last run.
- finished_atstr (date-time)
The end time of the last run.
- statestr
The state of the last run. One of queued, running, succeeded, failed, and cancelled.
- running_as
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- running_as
- query
- post_sql_refresh(id: int) Response
Refresh the data in a SQL report
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- configstr
The configuration of the report visualization.
- query
- idint
The query ID.
- databaseint
The database ID.
- sqlstr
The SQL to execute.
- credentialint
The credential ID.
- result_rowsList[List]
A preview of rows returned by the query.
- result_columnsList[str]
A preview of columns returned by the query.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- started_atstr (date-time)
The start time of the last run.
- finished_atstr (date-time)
The end time of the last run.
- statestr
The state of the last run. One of queued, running, succeeded, failed, and cancelled.
- running_as
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- running_as
- query
- put_archive(id: int, status: bool) Response
Update the archive status of this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the object.
- statusbool
The desired archived status of the object.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- projectsList[
] A list of projects containing the report.
- idint
The ID for the project.
- namestr
The name of the project.
- projectsList[
- statestr
The status of the report’s last run.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s last run finished.
- viz_updated_atstr (time)
The time that the report’s visualization was last updated.
- script
- idint
The ID for the script.
- namestr
The name of the script.
- sqlstr
The raw SQL query for the script, if applicable.
- script
- job_pathstr
The link to details of the job that backs this report.
tableau_id : int
- template_idint
The ID of the template used for this report.
- auth_thumbnail_urlstr
URL for a thumbnail of the report.
- last_run
id : int
state : str
- created_atstr (time)
The time that the run was queued.
- started_atstr (time)
The time that the run started.
- finished_atstr (time)
The time that the run completed.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- last_run
- hiddenbool
The hidden status of the item.
- auth_data_urlstr
DEPRECATED: For legacy reports
- auth_code_urlstr
Link to code to render in the report.
- configstr
Any configuration metadata for this report.
- valid_output_filebool
Whether the job (a script or a query) that backs the report currently has a valid output file.
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- app_state
Any application state blob for this report.
- app_state
- use_viewers_tableau_usernamebool
Apply user level filtering on Tableau reports.
- put_git(id: int, *, git_ref: str = None, git_branch: str = None, git_path: str = None, git_repo_url: str = None, git_ref_type: str = None, pull_from_git: bool = None) Response
Attach an item to a file in a git repo
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the item.
- git_refstr, optional
A git reference specifying an unambiguous version of the file. Can be a branch name, or the full or shortened SHA of a commit.
- git_branchstr, optional
The git branch that the file is on.
- git_pathstr, optional
The path of the file in the repository.
- git_repo_urlstr, optional
The URL of the git repository (e.g.,
- git_ref_typestr, optional
Specifies if the file is versioned by branch or tag.
- pull_from_gitbool, optional
Automatically pull latest commit from git. Only works for scripts.
- Returns:
- git_refstr
A git reference specifying an unambiguous version of the file. Can be a branch name, tag or the full or shortened SHA of a commit.
- git_branchstr
The git branch that the file is on.
- git_pathstr
The path of the file in the repository.
- git_repo
- idint
The ID for this git repository.
- repo_urlstr
The URL for this git repository.
created_at : str (time)
updated_at : str (time)
- git_repo
- git_ref_typestr
Specifies if the file is versioned by branch or tag.
- pull_from_gitbool
Automatically pull latest commit from git. Only works for scripts and workflows (assuming you have the feature enabled)
- put_projects(id: int, project_id: int) Response
Add a Report to a project
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the Report.
- project_idint
The ID of the project.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
- put_services_archive(id: int, status: bool) Response
Update the archive status of this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the object.
- statusbool
The desired archived status of the object.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- hoststr
The host for the service report
- display_urlstr
The URL to display the service report.
- service_idint
The id of the backing service
- provide_api_keybool
Whether the report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
- api_keystr
A Civis API key that can be used by this report.
- api_key_idint
The ID of the API key. Can be used for auditing API use by this report.
- put_services_projects(id: int, project_id: int) Response
Add a Service Report to a project
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the Service Report.
- project_idint
The ID of the project.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Set the permissions groups has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idsList[int]
An array of one or more group IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
Set the permissions users have on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idsList[int]
An array of one or more user IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
- put_services_transfer(id: int, user_id: int, include_dependencies: bool, *, email_body: str = None, send_email: bool = None) Response
Transfer ownership of this object to another user
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
ID of target user
- include_dependenciesbool
Whether or not to give manage permissions on all dependencies
- email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on transfer.
- send_emailbool, optional
Send email to the target user of the transfer?
- Returns:
- dependenciesList[
] Dependent objects for this object
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- sharedbool
Whether dependent object was successfully shared with target user
- dependenciesList[
Set the permissions groups has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idsList[int]
An array of one or more group IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
Set the permissions users have on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idsList[int]
An array of one or more user IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
- put_sql_archive(id: int, status: bool) Response
Update the archive status of this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the object.
- statusbool
The desired archived status of the object.
- Returns:
- idint
The ID of this report.
- namestr
The name of the report.
- user
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- user
- created_atstr (time)
The creation time for this report.
- updated_atstr (time)
The last updated at time for this report.
- typestr
The type of the report. One of: ReportTypes::HTML, ReportTypes::Tableau, ReportTypes::ShinyApp, ReportTypes::SQL
- descriptionstr
The user-defined description of the report.
- my_permission_levelstr
Your permission level on the object. One of “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- archivedstr
The archival status of the requested item(s).
- configstr
The configuration of the report visualization.
- query
- idint
The query ID.
- databaseint
The database ID.
- sqlstr
The SQL to execute.
- credentialint
The credential ID.
- result_rowsList[List]
A preview of rows returned by the query.
- result_columnsList[str]
A preview of columns returned by the query.
- errorstr
The error message for this run, if present.
- started_atstr (date-time)
The start time of the last run.
- finished_atstr (date-time)
The end time of the last run.
- statestr
The state of the last run. One of queued, running, succeeded, failed, and cancelled.
- running_as
- idint
The ID of this user.
- namestr
This user’s name.
- usernamestr
This user’s username.
- initialsstr
This user’s initials.
- onlinebool
Whether this user is online.
- running_as
- query
- put_sql_projects(id: int, project_id: int) Response
Add a SQL Report to a project
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the SQL Report.
- project_idint
The ID of the project.
- Returns:
- None
Response code 204: success
Set the permissions groups has on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- group_idsList[int]
An array of one or more group IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
Set the permissions users have on this object
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idsList[int]
An array of one or more user IDs.
- permission_levelstr
Options are: “read”, “write”, or “manage”.
- share_email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on a share.
- send_shared_emailbool, optional
Send email to the recipients of a share.
- Returns:
- readers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- readers
- writers
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- writers
- owners
- usersList[
] id : int
name : str
- usersList[
- groupsList[
] id : int
name : str
- groupsList[
- owners
- total_user_sharesint
For owners, the number of total users shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible users shared.
- total_group_sharesint
For owners, the number of total groups shared. For writers and readers, the number of visible groups shared.
- put_sql_transfer(id: int, user_id: int, include_dependencies: bool, *, email_body: str = None, send_email: bool = None) Response
Transfer ownership of this object to another user
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
ID of target user
- include_dependenciesbool
Whether or not to give manage permissions on all dependencies
- email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on transfer.
- send_emailbool, optional
Send email to the target user of the transfer?
- Returns:
- dependenciesList[
] Dependent objects for this object
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- sharedbool
Whether dependent object was successfully shared with target user
- dependenciesList[
- put_transfer(id: int, user_id: int, include_dependencies: bool, *, email_body: str = None, send_email: bool = None) Response
Transfer ownership of this object to another user
- Parameters:
- idint
The ID of the resource that is shared.
- user_idint
ID of target user
- include_dependenciesbool
Whether or not to give manage permissions on all dependencies
- email_bodystr, optional
Custom body text for e-mail sent on transfer.
- send_emailbool, optional
Send email to the target user of the transfer?
- Returns:
- dependenciesList[
] Dependent objects for this object
- object_typestr
Dependent object type
- fco_typestr
Human readable dependent object type
- idint
Dependent object ID
- namestr
Dependent object name, or nil if the requesting user cannot read this object
- permission_levelstr
Permission level of target user (not user’s groups) for dependent object. Null if no target user or not shareable (e.g. a database table).
- descriptionstr
Additional information about the dependency, if relevant
- sharedbool
Whether dependent object was successfully shared with target user
- dependenciesList[